Alexandra Bogren

Alexandra Bogren

Senior Lecturer

My research expertise is primarily in the field of sociological criminology, social problems, and gender. I teach Sociology and Criminology.

+46 8 608 52 66 +4686085266

Social Sciences


Alexandra Bogren is an associate professor and lecturer in Sociology at the School of Social Sciences, Södertörn University. She has a PhD in Sociology from Stockholm University (2006), was a visiting scholar at the Finnish Institute for Public Health, Helsinki (2008), and a senior researcher at the Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs, Stockholm University (2009-2016). Alexandra’s research interests are in the fields of criminology and social problems, medical sociology, the sociology of media and communications, and power and inequality. She has been studying alcohol and drug issues and gender for several years and previously worked with a research project on scientific communication and the role of biomedical alcohol research in society.

Currently, she is responsible for a research project on the meanings and experiences of camera surveillance among different occupational groups, "Camera surveillance and violence: The role of camera surveillance among occupations exposed to workplace violence" (funded by The Swedish Research Council).

Teaching and supervision: "Working Life and Society", "Crime and Society", Bachelor's theses in Sociology.

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.