Alexander Stagnell

Alexander Stagnell

Associate Professor

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Research interests: rhetoric's role in the political; ideological functions of concepts like diplomacy, communism, and sophistics; the thought of Barbara Cassin and Slavoj Žižek.

+46 8 608 45 91 +4686084591

Culture and Education


PhD in Rhetoric. Working as a postdoctoral research fellow funded by the Swedish Research Council's International Postdoc-programme. The project is entitled The Return of the Sophists?: Democracy, Rhetoric, and Post-Truth in the Populist Moment and it is co-hosted by Södertörn University and Group de recherche en rhétorique et en argumentation linguistique at the Université libre de Bruxelles.

During 2022 I will also partake as a Junior Researcher in the Alexander von Humboldt foundation's new Residency Programme which will focus on the topic of 'Social Cohesion'.

I am a former doctoral fellow at BEEGS and I defended my dissertation, entitled The Ambassador's Letter: On the Less Than Nothing of Diplomacy, in 2019 at Uppsala University. A reworked version of my dissertation was published by Routledge in the summer of 2020 under the title Diplomacy and Ideology: From the French Revolution to the Digital Age.

My research focuses on (i) questions concerning the role of rhetoric in the political and how the rhetorical tradition might help us understand what appears to be contemporary problems such as populism and post-truth, (ii) the ideological functioning of political concepts such as diplomacy and war, and (iii) the thought of Barbara Cassin and Slavoj Žižek respectively.

I am also, together with David Payne and Gustav Strandberg, editing an anthology on populism and the people which will be published by Bloomsbury Academic in 2022.

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