Anu Mai Köll
Professor emeritus/emerita
As emeritus professor, I am mostly doing reviews and evaluations, and a few historical articles about the Baltic countries and Baltic refugees.
Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)
Emeritus professor of Baltic History, Culture and Society
Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), Södertörns högskola
CBEES, Södertörns högskola since October, 2006-2012
Professor of Baltic History, Culture and Society, Stockholm University 1998
PhD at Department of Economic History, Stockholm University 1984
My research interests have been the agrarian history of the Baltic countries, in particular Estonia. The peasantry of the early 19th century, the land reforms in 1918 and agricultural development, and finally the collectivisation of agriculture in 1947-49.Soviet repressions and the German occupation 1941-44 have been important side themes. Finally I have written smaller pieces on refugees in 1944 and their integration in Sweden.
My dissertation was about the relationship between social and technological change in Swedish 19th century agriculture. The problem area integration of agriculture into a capitalist market economy in comparative perspective was continued with Ulf Jonsson and Ronny Pettersson at the Department of Economic History, Stockholm University, publishing for instance Problems of a Peasant-based Development Strategy, Centre for International Economic History, Genève 1993.
Other information
I serve on the boards of
Tartu Institute, Toronto
Editorial board Ajalooline Ajakiri, The Historical Journal of Estonia
The Village and the Class War. Anti-Kulak Campaign in Estonia. Budapest-New York, Central European University Press 2013
Kommunismens ansikten, Repression, övervakning och svenska reaktioner Stockholm/Stehag: Symposion 2005
(Ed) The Baltic Countries under Occupation; Soviet and Nazi rule 1939-1991, Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia 23, 2003
Research on Communist Regimes, with Aleksander Kan and Tom Hart, Brytpunkt, Vetenskapsrådet, Stockholm 2001
(Ed) Time of Change in the Baltic Countries, Essays in Honour of Aleksander Loit, Department of Baltic Studies, Stockholm 2000
AM Kõll, J Valge Economic Nationalism and Industrial Growth. State and Industry in Estonia 1934-39, Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia no 19, 1998
Peasants on the World Market, Agrarian Experience of Independent Estonia 1919-39. Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia no 14, 1994
U Jonsson, AM Kõll, R Pettersson, Problems of a Peasant-based Development Strategy, Centre for International Economic History, Genève 1993
Tradition och reform i västra Södermanlands jordbruk1810-90, akademisk avhandling, Stockholm Studies in Economic History 7, 1983
Recent articles in anthologies
"Between Germany and Russia: Settling Scores from the Occupations in Post-War Estonia 1945-50" in Karonen-Kivimäki (eds) Continued Violence and Troublesome Pasts. Post-War Europe between the Victors after the Second World War, Helsinki ,Finnish Literature Society 2017
"The One Who Has Arrived has a Long Way to Go: Estonian Refugees in Sweden 1944-53" in Jõesalu-Kannike (eds) Cultural Patterns and Life Stories, Acta universitatis Tallinnensis 2016
With Ronny Pettersson "Bönder och jordbruksomvandling. Teoridebatt och historieskrivning under 1900-talet" in Eriksson-Eriksson (eds) Perspektiv på lantbrukets organisering - historiografi, begreppshistoria och källor, Skogs- och lantbrukshistoriska meddelanden 71, 2016
Recent articles in journals
"Baltic Refugees and Policy Formation in Sweden 1940-1950" in Journal of Baltic Studies 2015:4, pp 427-434
"David Feest, Zwangskollektivisierung in Baltikum" recension Ajalooline Ajakiri, The Estonian Histoircal Journal 2008:1/2. pp 165-168.
"The history of the Baltic States – a minefield" i Baltic Rim Economies 2009:3 p 34.
Debt-ridden elites leave the scene, Baltic Worlds Vol II:3-4 2009.
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.