Besrat Tesfaye
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Social Sciences
Dr. Besrat Tesfaye is Associate Professor of Business Administration at Södertörn University. She is currently Coordinator for the undergraduate program in Innovation and entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Markets, as well as the Masters Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship with a major in Business Administration. Dr. Tesfaye collaborates with the School of Business at Durham University, Cracow University of Economics, and Moshi Cooperative University in Tanzania. She supervises theses work and teaches courses in a wide range of subjects including: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources Management, and Change Managemnet. Dr. Tesfaye´s research interests lie within the area of entrepreneurship and innovation. She studies the phenomena under differing contexts for example, New Technology-based Spin-off Firms, Intellectual Property Rights and innovation in SMEs, Immigrant Entrepreneurship, and Women Entrepreneurship in emerging/developing economies. Her research is cross-disciplinary and at present she collaborates with colleagues in the areas of law, economics, and sociology.