Claudia Lindén
Programme Coordinator
I teach at all levels and my research focuses on Scandinavian literature around 1900, British Gothic, queer theory, literary animal studies and philosophy of history.
Culture and Education
I am a professor in Comparative Literature. I received my Ph.D. from Stockholm University in 2002 on a dissertation on Ellen Key's feminist thinking. Prior to my current position at Södertörn University, I worked in the department of Gender studies at Stockholm and Uppsala University. I have also been a visiting scholar at Humboldt University in Berlin, University of Helsinki and a visiting teacher within our Erasmus collaboration with Université de Strasbourg. I teach at all levels of the literature subject, from the first semester to doctoral dissertation, mainly with a focus on 17th and 19th-century literature, and theory with gender orientation.
My first research interest, feminism and masculinity during the Modern breakthrough, continues to interest me, and I have both edited anthologies and published articles, and I regularly give lectures on this topic. In addition to Scandinavian nineteenth-century literature, my research is situated in the intersection of literary science, feminist and queer theory, gothic studies, animal studies and philosophy of history. I am particularly interested in how literature shapes and problematizes gender and sexuality in relation to different kinds of boundaries, such as the gothic with vampires and specters, transformations as well as other forms of animal-human relations, the destabilization between the presence and past in the historical novel.
I am finishing up a monograph on Karen Blixen's Gothic stories focusing on gender, history, and animals, and have just begun a new animal studies-oriented research project: Bear traces: a study of the bear in national romantic literature around the Baltic Sea.
Latest publications in selection
“The Vampire, the Undead and the Anxieties of Historical Consciousness” Claudia Lindén and Hans Ruin, in Ethos of History, ed. Stefan Helgesson and Jayne Svenungsson Berghain, London 2018;
“It Takes a Real Man To Show True Femininity. Gender-transgression in Goethe’s and Humboldt’s concept of Bildung, in The Humboldtian Tradition red. Thomas Karlsohn, Brill publisher 2014;
”Virtue as Adventure and Excess. Intertextuality, Masculinity, and Desire in the Twilight series”, Culture unbound External link.
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.