Fredrik Svenaeus

Fredrik Svenaeus


I am a philosopher and professor at Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge. My main research areas are philosophy of medicine and medical humanities.

+46 8 608 41 04 +4686084104

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Fredrik Svenaeus is professor at the Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge, Södertörn University, Sweden. His main research areas are philosophy of medicine, bioethics, medical humanities, and philosophical anthropology.

He has published a large number of articles and books on various subjects within these fields, most often from a phenomenological point of view, some recent examples are:

“To Die Well: The Phenomenology of Suffering and End of Life Ethics”, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, vol. 23, no. 3, 335-342, 2020.

“Phenomenology and Embryo Ethics”, Topos: Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Studies, no. 2, 11-26, 2020.

“Empathy and Togetherness Online Compared to IRL: A Phenomenological Account”, accepted for publication in Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 2021.

“The Phenomenology of Objectification in and Through Medical Practice and Technology Development”, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, vol. 48, no. 2, 141-150, 2023.

“The Phenomenology of Frailty: Existentialism and Old-Age Vulnerability”, accepted for publication in The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Existentialism, ed. Kevin Aho, Routledge 2024.

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