Jenny Gunnarsson Payne

Jenny Gunnarsson Payne



+46 8 608 45 03 +4686084503

Historical and Contemporary Studies


I received my PhD in Ethnology with the thesis, entitled Systerskapets logiker: En etnologisk studie av feministiska fanzines (The Logics of Sisterhood: An Ethnological Study of Feminist Zines), at the Department of Culture and Media, Umeå University in 2006. Since then, I have worked as a part-time teacher at the University of Essex (UK), I have held two postdoctoral fellowships in Vienna and Stockholm respectively, and I am currently working as a senior lecturer and researcher at Södertörn University. Up until 2010, my research was mainly concerned with feminist movement media, such as zines, community television, film and blogs. My doctoral dissertation followed the development of the Swedish feminist zine community between the years 1997 and 2003, and my research has subsequently been further developed by studying the processes of change in feminist movement media production, which has occurred in the wake of the increasing influence of the Internet and other social media. Since May 2010 I am working on the project States of the ARTs: Cross-border Reproductive Care in Post-socialist Europe, which investigates the rapidly growing phenomenon of both Swedish women and couples travelling abroad for fertility treatment. Since January 2013, I am also working on the research project Frozen Assets: An Intersectional Study of Egg Banking, Gender and Reproductive Ageing, a study that investigates into the cultural and political effects of egg banks (funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR). In addition to my research, I am also teaching Discourse Theory and Discourse Analysis at doctoral level, and I am supervising a number of PhD-students from several disciplines (Ethnology, Archeology, History, and Environmental Science).

Since september 2015 I hold a position as research leader at Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES).

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141 89 Huddinge

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