Jenny Madestam

Jenny Madestam

Senior Lecturer

Swedish politics, political leadership, social media and politics, police education.

+46 8 608 45 57 +4686084557

Social Sciences

+46 73 652 07 25 +46736520725


I am a Ph.D in Political Science. I defended my thesis in 2009 at Stockhom University. The thesis was about leader ideal in two Swedish parties (the Social democratic party and the Liberal party). As a post doc I was running a project about leader recruitment processes in three Swedish parties. Today I am part of two different projects. One is a study of collectivistic forms of leadership among principals in schools as well as among leaders in Swedish parties. The other project investigate social media and political leadership.



Madestam, J., Sundström, G., Bergström, G. (2018). Public or Private – Does It Matter? How School Leaders in Public and Private Schools Perceive Their Roles. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration. 22(3):129-152.

Döös, M. Wilhelmson, L. Madestam, J. Örnberg, Å. (2018). The principle of
singularity. A retrospective study of how and why the legislation
process behind Sweden’s Education Act came to prohibit joint leadership
for principals. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education. Vol. 2(2–3), 39–55

Madestam, J., & Falkman, L. L. (2017). Rhetorical construction of political leadership in social media. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(3), 299–311.


Döös, M., Wilhelmson, L., Madestam, J., & Örnberg, Å. (2017). The shared principalship : invitation at the top. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1–19.


Döös, M., Wilhelmson, L., Madestam, J., & Örnberg, Å. (2017). Shared principalship: The perspective of close subordinate colleagues. Leadership and Policy in Schools

"The Social Media Balancing Act: Testing the Use of a Balanced Self-Presentation Strategy for Politicians Using Twitter", (tillsammans med Lid Falkman, L, Colliander, J., Modig, E., Marder, B. & Sagofossen, S. 2017. Computers in Human Behavior, accept.


En kompispappa och en ytlig djuping. Partieliters ambivalenta ledarideal, (2009), doktorsavhandling, Stockholms universitet

Hur blir man vald? Om ledarskiften i tre svenska partier, (2014), Stockholm: Liber

Book chapters

"Partiledare", i Hagevi, M., (2015), Partier och partisystem, Lund: Studentlitteratur

"Vem kan bli förtroendevald?", i Segnestam Larsson, O., (2015), Förtroendevald, Stockholms: Idealistas

"Privat eller offentlig - spelar det någon roll?" (tillsammans med Bergström, G., & Sundström, G.), i Johansson, O. & Svedberg, L., (2013), Att leda mot skolans mål, Malmö: Gleerups

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.