Karl Axelsson

Karl Axelsson


Senior Lecturer

aesthetic theory, cultural theory, Shaftesbury, Cambridge Platonism, environmental virtue aesthetics

Culture and Education

I am Associate Professor (Docent) in Aesthetics (since 2022). I received my PhD from Uppsala University in 2007. I have previously worked at University of Cambridge (Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-2010) and Uppsala University (Senior Lecturer, 2011-2016). In 2024 I am Erik Allardt Fellow at HCAS (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies).

Publications (books)

  • Swedish translation of the third Earl of Shaftesbury, The Moralists, a Philosophical Rhapsody. Being a Recital of Certain Conversations on Natural and Moral Subjects (Stockholm: Thales, 2022)
  • Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics (New York: Routledge, 2021 [paperback 2022]), Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy (co-editors Mattias Pirholt and Camilla Flodin)
  • Political Aesthetics: Addison and Shaftesbury on Taste, Morals, and Society (London: Bloomsbury, 2019 [paperback 2021])
  • The Sublime: Precursors and British Eighteenth-Century Conceptions, diss. Uppsala University (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007)
  • Tystnad Tagning [on the Regional History of Swedish Cinema, 1919–1968] (Torsby: Heidrun, 2000)

Selected Essays and Reviews

  • ”The Enlightenment,” in The Oxford Handbook of the Sublime, eds. Emily Brady, Patrick Cheney, and Philip Hardie (in press, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2025)
  • “Nature as a Self: Shaftesbury on the Beauty of Plants and Animals,” in Aesthetic Communication in Europe, 1700–1900, ed. Gergely Fórizs, Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung: Schriftenreihe des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für die Erforschung der europäischen Aufklärung der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (in press, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024)
  • "Shaftesbury on Natural Beauty, Science, and Animals," British Journal for the History of Philosophy (Taylor & Francis, 2023), https://doi.org/10.1080/09608788.2023.2259439
  • “Aesthetics and Politics,” in Aesthetic Theory Across the Disciplines, eds. Max Ryynänen and Zoltán Somhegyi (Washington: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023), 75-91
  • “Introduction,” to the Swedish translation of the third Earl of Shaftesbury, The Moralists, a Philosophical Rhapsody. Being a Recital of Certain Conversations on Natural and Moral Subjects, ed. and trans. Karl Axelsson (Stockholm: Thales, 2022), vii-xxiv
  • "Om vi inte kan förstå ekens skönhet, så kan vi inte förstå oss själva,” Dagens Nyheter, 28.11.2022
  • ”Introduction,” in Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics (New York: Routledge, 2021 [paperback 2022]), Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy (co-written with Mattias Pirholt and Camilla Flodin), 117
  • “Beauty, Nature, and Society in Shaftesbury's The Moralists," in Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics (New York: Routledge, 2021 [paperback 2022]), Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy, 4769
  • “Shaftesbury om poetisk sanning och det naturliga samhället” [Shaftesbury on poetical truth and natural society], Lychnos: An Annual for History of Ideas and Science (Swedish Society for the History of Science and Ideas), 2017, 11–26
  • “Contemplation or Manipulation? Aesthetic Perspectives on Nature and Animals from Shaftesbury to Bio-Art,” International Yearbook of Aesthetics (Santa Cruz, California: International Association for Aesthetics, 2017), 29–41
  • “Shaftesbury på svenska: Moralisterna, Richard Hejll och översättandets konst" [Shaftesbury in Swedish: The Moralists, Richard Hejll, and the art of translation], Biblis (National Library of Sweden, Stockholm), no. 76, 2016/2017, 43–47
  • “A Realized Disposition: Shaftesbury on Natural Affections and Taste,” in New Ages, New Opinions: Shaftesbury in his World and Today, ed. Patrick Müller (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2014), 27–44
  • "Shaftesbury auf Deutsch: Estetik, Bildung och ett intresselöst intresse" [Shaftesbury auf Deutsch: Aesthetics, Bildung, and a disinterested interest], Biblis (National Library of Sweden, Stockholm), no. 63, 2014, 62–67
  • “‘Taste is not to conform to the art, but the art to the taste’: Aesthetic Instrumentalism and the British Body Politic in the Neoclassical Age,” Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, vol. 5, 2013, 16 pp., DOI: 10.3402/jac.v5i0.21096
  • “De brittiska moralisterna: Konsten att bilda ett smakomdöme och förnedra en slav” [The British Moralists: The art of forming a judgment of taste and humiliating a slave], Subaltern (Bokförlaget h:ström – Text & Kultur), no. 4, 2012, 60–63
  • Review of Maria Semi’s Music as a Science of Mankind in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012), Eighteenth-Century Music (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), vol. 10, no. 1, 2013, 16–18
  • Review of Jenny Davidson’s Breeding: A Partial History of the Eighteenth Century (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009), English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature (Routledge/Taylor & Francis), vol. 93, no. 4, 2012, 493–495
  • “Mellan känslor och normer: Hume om smakomdömet och kritikern” [Emotions and norms: Hume on the judgment of taste and the critic], in Förnuft, Känsla, Moral: perspektiv på David Hume, ed. Robert Callergård (Stockholm: Thales, 2011), 13–33
  • “The (Un)changing Nature: Judgment of Taste and Bildung in The Tatler, The Spectator, and The Guardianin the Early Eighteenth Century,” Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2011, 72–92
  • “Konst och Moral i 1700-talets Storbritannien” [Art and morals in eighteenth century Britain], Tvärsnitt, Swedish Research Council, no. 3, 2009, 35–38
  • “Joseph Addison and General Education: Moral Didactics in Early Eighteenth Century Britain,” Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, no. 2, 2009, 144–166
  • “Könsspecifika erfarenheter och transpersonen i akademin” [Gender specific experiences and transgender in the academy], Tidningen Kulturen, 16.4.2009
  • “Joseph Addison och The Spectator – Borgerlighetens folkbildare” [Joseph Addison and The Spectator – educators of the middle class], Noesis. Idéhistorisk tidskrift, Stockholm University, no. 4, 2008, 5–13
  • Review of Aesthetics: A Comprehensive Anthology (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008, eds. Steven M. Cahn and Aaron Meskin) and English Literature in Context (Cambridge: CUP, 2008, ed. Paul Poplawski), TFL – Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, no. 2, 2008, 94–98
  • “Kulturindustrin” [The culture industry], Dagens Nyheter, 11.2.2008 (co-author Dr Camilla Flodin, Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University)
  • “Hyllning till osäkerhetens skönhetsvärde,” an essay on Alexander Nehamas’ Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art (Princeton: PUP, 2007), Svenska Dagbladet, 13.7.2007
  • “Höjd över livets medelmåttiga stunder,” an essay on James Kirwan’s Sublimity: The Non-Rational and the Irrational in the History of Aesthetics (New York: Routledge, 2005), Svenska Dagbladet, 28.9.2005
  • “Från idé till fantasi. Om modernitet och modernism” [From idea to imagination: On modernity and modernism], Valör. Konstvetenskapliga studier, Department of Art History, Uppsala University, no. 2–3, 2003, 7–21
  • “Queer på film” [Queer in cinema], Upsala Nya Tidning, 26.10.2001

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