Katarina Macleod
I work with material from 19th century to the present and research femininity, domesticity, bodies, gender, identity, cultural heritage & value production, and arctic nature.
Culture and Education
Katarina Wadstein MacLeod is professor in Art history. In 2006 she graduated from Lund University with the PhD thesis Lena Cronqvist: Reflections of Girls (Sekel förlag), a thematic study on images of girl figures.
Her research in art history intersects with feminist theory and critical cultural studies. Empirically her research is orientated around 20th century Swedish and Nordic art and visual culture. In her research she has dealt with representations of femininity and domesticity; bodies and gender; cultural heritage and value; narration of centre and periphery. In her latest book she discusses artistic interpretation of the home in Swedish art at two historical moments: the turn of the 20th century and the 1960s and 70s.
Katarina Wadstein MacLeod has a background as an art critic for the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet and contributes regularly with essay for newspaper, journals and catalogues. In 2011-2016 she taught art theory, art history and tutored writing at the department for fine arts, Konstfack, Stockholm. She’s a member of The Young Academy of Sweden 2011-2022 (www.sverigesungaakademi.se External link.)
- The Domestic Paradox: A comparative study of representations of home and family life in art cutting through an east west divide
- Illustrating Neutral Nature Scientific Depictions of the Arctic from St Petersburg, Stockholm, and Paris
- Exhibiting Art in a European Periphery? International Art in Sweden during the Cold War