Malin Picha Edwardsson

Malin Picha Edwardsson


Senior Lecturer

Senior lecturer, teacher and researcher in journalism.

+46 8 608 46 95 +4686084695

Social Sciences

+46 70 992 22 79 +46709922279


My research stands on two legs: Journalism and Media technology. I have an education in journalism (M.A. in Journalism) from Stockholm University, and I worked as an editor for 15 years before I started as a project assistant and project manager in a number of digital development projects at the Swedish Media Publishers’ Association in 2006. In 2010, I was given the opportunity to become an industrial PhD-student in Media technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. I defended my PhD thesis in May 2015. The title of the thesis is: Towards a sustainable media system – Explorative studies of emerging media consumption trends and media processes for content production. I have been teaching at Södertörn University since November 2016, in courses from A-level to Master. I became a senior lecturer in Journalism at Södertörn University in August 2017.

  • Between 2015 and 2017 my research focus was on digital storytelling, and I finished a research project in collaboration with media companies Bonnier News, Schibsted and Swedish Radio in February 2017. The project explored drivers and barriers for digital storytelling with emerging technologies in traditional media companies.
  • Between 2017 and 2019, I joined a research project in collaboration with Sveriges Radio Östergötland and Norrköpings Tidningar Media on automated news gathering in public registries.
  • During 2019 and 2020 I work together with my colleague Walid Al-Saqaf and the Swedish company Storylab, in a research project with focus on how blockchain technology can be used in fact-checking, to see what opportunities this technology might have for journalism in the future.
  • In 2021, I collaborated with Media & Democracy at Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg, and the local newspaper Sydöstran in the region of Blekinge around the development of local journalism in Blekinge.
  • In 2022, I participated, together with my colleague Maria Zuiderveld, in another research collaboration with Media & Democracy in a project involving local media companies and libraries in western Sweden with the aim to create more public debates and new democratic arenas leading up to the general elections in 2022.

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) is Södertörn University's system for digital publishing and for registering publications produced by researchers, teachers and students.


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Alfred Nobels allé 7 Flemingsberg

Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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