Marie Gustafsson
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
My reserach concerns gender, social cognition and language. My teaching is mainly in social psychology, as well as work and organization.
Social Sciences
I min roll som lektor undervisar jag inom ämnen son arbets- och organisationspsykologi, socialpsykologi och genuspsykologi.
I min roll som forskare undersöker jag framför allt hur språket påverkar uppfattningar och värderingar och särskilt i relation till genus. Till exempel har vi pågående projekt om svenska nya pronomen hen och samband mellan språk, jämställdhet och mångfald på arbetsplats. Jag undersköer ofta om tillhörigheter till olika grupper leder till olika bedömningar, mvärderingar eller attityder.
Artiklar i vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Lindqvist, A.,Renström, E.A. & Gustafsson Sendén, M. (2018). Reducing a male bias in language? Establishing the efficiency of three different gender-fair language strategies. Sex Roles
Gustafsson Sendén, M. Renström, E. A. (in press). Gender bias in assessment of future work ability among pain patients. An experimental vignette study of medical students’ assessment. Scandinavian
Journal of Pain. https://doi:10.1515/sjpain-2018-0108
Gustafsson Sendén, M. Klysing, A, Lindqvist, A., Renström, E.A. (2018) The
(not so) changing man: Dynamic gender stereotypes in Sweden. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi:10.33
Pietraszkiewicz, A., Formanowicz, M., Gustafsson Senden, M., Boyd, R., Sikström, S., & Sczesny, S. (2018). The big two dictionaries: Capturing agency and communion in natural language. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Rostad, I. S., Tvedt, S. D., Gustafsson Sendén, M. & Løvseth, L. T. (2018). Physicians’ mental health and nationality affect how work characteristics influence presenteeism. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 3(1), 5.
Bäck, E., Bäck, H., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Sikström, S. (2018) From I to We: Group formation and linguistic adaption in an online xenophobic forum. Journal of Social and
Political Psychology, https://doi:10.5964/jspp.v6i1.741
Liuzza, M. T., Lindholm, T., Hawley, C., Gustafsson Senden, M., Ekström, I., Olsson, M. J., & Olofsson, J. K. (2018). Body odour disgust sensitivity predicts authoritarian attitudes. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 171091. https://doi:10.1098/rsos.171091
Eneroth, M., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Schenck Gustafsson, K., Wall, M., & Fridner, A. (2017). Threats or violence from patients was associated with turnover intention among foreign-born GPs – a comparison of four workplace factors associated with attitudes of wanting to quit one’s job as a GP. Scandinavian
Journal of Primary Health Care, 35(2), 208-213.
Steen Rostad, I., Fridner, A., Gustafsson Senden, M., & Lovseth Tevik, L. (2017). Paid sick leave as a means to reduce sickness presenteeism among physicians. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 7(2), 71-85.
Gustafsson Sendén, M., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., & Fridner, A. (2016). Gender differences in reasons for sickness presenteeism - a study among GPs in a Swedish health care organization. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 28, 50.
Lindqvist, A., Bäck, E. A., & Gustafsson Senden, M. (2016). Vem tycker om hen? . Språk och Stil, 26, 101-129.
Liuzza, M. T., Lindholm, T., Hawley, C., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Ekström, I., Olsson, M. J., . . . Olofsson, J. K. (2016). The body odor disgust scale (bods): Development and validation of a novel olfactory disgust assessment. Chemical Senses.
Gustafsson Sendén, M., Bäck, E. A., & Lindqvist, A. (2015). Introducing a gender-neutral pronoun in a natural gender language: The influence of time on attitudes and behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 893.
Gustafsson Sendén, M., Sikström, S., & Lindholm, T. (2015). “She” and “he” in news media messages: Pronoun use reflects gender biases in semantic contexts. Sex Roles, 72, 40-49.
Gustafsson Senden, M., Lindholm, T., & Sikström, S. (2014). Biases in news media as reflected by personal
pronouns in evaluative contexts. Social Psychology, 45, 103-111.
Gustafsson Sendén, M., Lindholm, T., & Sikström, S. (2014). Selection bias in choice of words: Evaluations of “i” and “we” differ between contexts, but “they” are always worse. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33, 49-67.
Fridner, A., Norell, A., Åkesson, G., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Lovseth Tevik, L., & Schenck-Gustafsson, K. (2015). Possible reasons why female physicians publish fewer scientific articles than male physicians – a cross-sectional study. BMC Medicial Education, 15:67.
Eneroth, M., Gustafsson Senden, M., Lovseth, L., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., & Fridner, A. (2014). A comparison of risk and protective factors related to suicide ideation among residents and specialists
in academic medicine. BMC Public Health, 14, 271.
Fridner, A., Pingel, B., Tevik Lovseth, L., Gustafsson Senden, M., & Schenck-Gustafsson, K. (2014). From awareness to action using the survey feedback method. Journal of Health Science 2, 325-329.
Wall, M., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., Minucci, D., Gustafsson Senden, M., Tevik Lovseth, L., & Fridner, A. (2014). Suicidal ideation among surgeons in Italy and Sweden – a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychology,2:53.
Calmfors, L., Dimdins, G., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Montgomery, H., & Stavlöt, U. (2013). Why do people dislike low-wage trade competition with posted workers in the service sector? The Journal of Socio-Economics, 82-93.
Gustafsson Sendén, M., Løvseth , L. T., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., & Fridner, A. (2013). What makes physicians go to work while sick: A comparative study of sickness presenteeism in four European countries
(HOUPE). Swiss Medical Wkly, 143:w13840. doi:10.4414/smw.2013.13840
Fridner, A., Belkić, K., Marini, M., Gustafsson Sendén, M., & Schenck-Gustafsson, K. (2012). Why don’t academic physicians seek needed professional help for psychological distress? Swiss Medical Wkly, 142:w13626.
Gustafsson Sendén, M., (2014) Personal pronouns in evaluative communication. (Doctoral Dissertation) Stockholm University, Stockholm. (ISBN 978-91-7447-826-6)
Andra akademiska publikationer
Bäck, E. A., Lindqvist, A., & Gustafsson Sendén, M. (2017). Hen. Bakgrund, attityder och användande. Psykologiska rapporter från Lund, 8(1).
Gustafsson Sendén, M. (2018). Kunskapsöversikt om trakasserier och diskriminering på
Yourstone, J., Alberth, J., & Gustafsson Senden, M. (2016). Bedömningsgrunder och kön i
kriminalvårdens frivårdsarbete. Stockholm: Kriminalvården.
Gustafsson Senden, M., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., Eneroth, M., Wall, M., & Fridner, A. (2016a). The
HOPGOC study - health and organization among physicians in psychiatry, geriatrics and outpatient care. Läkares hälsa och arbetsvillkor inom Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde (anställda i landstingets regi). Stockholm.
Gustafsson Senden, M., Schenck-Gustafsson, K., Eneroth, M., Wall, M., & Fridner, A. (2016b). The
HOUPE study - läkares arbetsvillkor och hälsa vid Karolinska universitetssjukhuset. Stockholm.
Bäck, E. A., Lindqvist, A., & Gustafsson Sendén, M. (2015). Hen can do it: Effects of using a gender
neutral pronoun in a recruitment situation. In J. Magnusson, K. Milles, & Z. Nikolaidou (Eds.) Könskonstruktioner och Språkförändringar: En rapport från den åttonde nordiska konferensen om
språk och kön (pp. 71-91).
Calmfors, L., Dimdins, G., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Montgomery, H., & Stavlöt, U. (2011). Uppfattas tjänstehandel som mindre rättvis än varuhandel? En studie av attityder till låglönekonkurrens i utrikeshandel? Uppsala: IFAU; Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering.
Calmfors, L., Dimdins, G., Gustafsson Sendén, M., Montgomery, H., & Stavlöt, U. (2009). Trade in services and in goods with low-wage countries - how do attitudes differ and how are they formed? Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS).
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.