Mats Bergman

Mats Bergman


Competition policy, public procurement, competitive provision of elderly care & other welfare services, pharmaceutical pricing, regulation & deregulation, retailing and the city

Social Sciences

+46 73 841 62 14 +46738416214


Professor of Economics
My research interest lies within the field Industrial Organization, in particular competition policy, mergers, regulation and deregulation, network industries and public procurement. Economic expert in the Patent and Market Court and Member of the Economic Council of Swedish Retailing and Wholesaling.

A few recent international publications are listed below:

Interactions Across Firms and Bid Rigging, 2020, The Review of Industrial Organization. (Med Johan Lundberg, Sofia Lundberg och Johan Y. Stake.)

Competitive aspects of an e-krona, 2020, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, 33-54

Does Merger Policy Converge After the 2004 European Union Reform?, 2019, Journal of Competition Law and Economics. (Med Malcolm B. Coate, Anh Mai och Shawn W. Ulrick.)

Price competition in pharmaceuticals – evidence from 1303 Swedish markets, 2018, Journal of Health Economics. (With David Granlund.)

Squeezing the Last Drop out of Your Suppliers: An Empirical Study of Market-Based Purchasing Policies for Generic Pharmaceuticals, 2017, The Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. (With David Granlund and Niklas Rudholm.)

Tendering Design when Price and Quality Is Uncertain, 2017, The International Journal of Public Sector Management. (With Sofia Lundberg.)

Privatization and Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care in Sweden, 2016, Journal of Health Economics, 49(September) 109–119, with Per Johansson, Sofia Lundberg and Giancarlo Spagnolo,

Reforming the Swedish pharmaceuticals market – Consequences for costs per defined daily dose, 2016, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 16(3) 211-214, with David Granlund and Niklas Rudholm, doi:10.1007/s10754-016-9186-4.

Tender Evaluation and Supplier Selection Methods in Public Procurement, 2013, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 19(2): 73-83, with Sofia Lundberg,

Merger Control in the European Union and The United States: Just the Facts, 2011, European Competition Journal, 7(1) 89-125, with Malcolm B. Coate, Shawn W. Ulrick and Maria Jakobsson,

Foreign ownership and investment: do firms locate investments close to the headquarter?, 2011, Review of World Economics, 147(4), 1-22, with Per Johansson,

Merger Control in the European Union and the United States: Just the Facts. 2011, European Competition Journal, 7(1), 89-126, wth Malcolm B. Coate, Maria Jakobsson and Shawn W. Ulrick. The working paper version can be downloaded from

Merger Policy in the European Union and the United States, 2010, Review of Industrial Organization, 36 (4) 305-331, with Malcolm B. Coate, Maria Jakobsson and Shawn W. Ulrick, m/content/0889-938x/

Some recent work in Swedish is listed below:

E-handeln förändrar staden, 2021, in Att göra stad i Stockholms urbana periferi (Eds: Malin Gawell and Apostolis Papakostas)

Handeln och covid-19: Lärdomar från pandemin och dess hantering - en nulägesrapport, 2020, rapport från Handelns ekonomiska råd (med Cecilia Hermansson, Sara Rosengren och Erik Åsbrink)

Handel, stad och hållbarhet i en digital tid - en nulägesrapport, 2019, report from Handelns ekonomiska råd (with Hans Lind, Jerker Söderlind and Erik Åsbrink)

Konkurrens på olika villkor? En nulägesrapport, 2018, report from Handelns ekonomiska råd (with Anna Felländer and Erik Åsbrink)

Handelns betydelse: Då, nu och i framtiden, 2017, report from Handelns ekonomiska råd (with Anna Felländer and Erik Åsbrink)

Konkurrenslagen - en kommentar, 2015, Norstedts, med Kenny Carlsson.

Upphandling och kundval av välfärdstjänster – en teoribakgrund, 2013, rapport för Uppdrag Välfärd,

Goda år på ålderns höst? En ESO-rapport om konkurrens i äldreomsorgen, 2014:1, Finansdepartementet, med Henrik Jordahl,

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.