Monica Hammer

Monica Hammer

Associate Professor

Programme Coordinator

Senior Lecturer

+46 8 608 46 35 +4686084635

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Monica Hammer is senior lecturer in Natural Resources Management at the School of Natural Science, Technology and Environmental Studies at Södertörn University.

Monica has an extensive experience of interdisciplinary research and teaching on environment and sustainability issues. In particular, collaboration with scientists combining social and natural science perspectives on ecosystem management.

Earlier research projects include; ECOPOOL research project - on sustainable water governance in the Baltic Sea Region. This project is a collaboration between Södertörn University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm University and Enveco, Environmental economics consultancy and the international project on Risk Governance in the Baltic Sea (RISKGOV).

Current research projects deals to a large extent with transforming peri-urban landscapes and ecosystem services in the Baltic Sea Region and include:

Transforming cultural landscapes in peri-urban areas, implications for
ecosystem services in local planning Funded by Formas. (project leader.)

Södertörnsmodellen - Collaborative Platform for Sustainable Suburban External link. funded by Vinnova and co-ordinated by KTH and White architects.

A New Region of the World? Towards a Poetics of Situatedness. The Baltic Sea Foundation.

Human- environment interactions and the epidemiological peri-urban landscape of tick borne diseases. Funded by the Baltic Sea Foundation.

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) is Södertörn University's system for digital publishing and for registering publications produced by researchers, teachers and students.