Pernilla Josefsson
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer in Media technology with a focus on e-learning, digitization in schools, social media. Member of the Teacher Education Board, and project leader at the police education.
+46 8 608 48 22
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
Ongoing research project:
- "Inclusive digital learning". The project is financed by "Vetenskapsrådet" between the years 2024-2029 and includes researchers from Södertörn University, KTH, Malmö University, Örebro University and Begripsam. The overall aim of the project is to investigate how the digitization of the school affects learning and inclusion in group work for students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and students with visual impairment. The projects include the use of multisensory learning environments and questions how these technologies can be applied in school settings.
- "AI literacy and independence in writing in the teacher education programs" The research project is interdisciplinary and includes researchers in Swedish, media technology and informatics. The project examines the writing cultures of two subjects and how these writing cultures relate to independence and the opportunities and risks that AI entails.
- "Digitalization within special schools". A interdisciplinary collaboration project together with a special school in Sweden focusing on the use of digital resources in communication situations between pupils and teachers.
Recently completed research projects:
- "The iPad as a communication bridge to develop the Swedish language between special school students and teachers." This project focused on communication in special education with the aim of developing better tools to document communication strategies and progression in special education students' language development.
- “FICTION”. The project aimed to enhance teachers’ abilities to teach students to use digital tools for their own understanding of science, and to identify weaknesses and strengths in digital tools for teaching. The project discussed the development of teachers’ digital competence with a focus on STEAM education where digital tools increase students’ understanding. Webpage:
External link. Related publication:
External link.
- "Collaboration between higher education and the municipality." A collaborative project with the aim of developing the collaboration between the university's teacher training courses, subject didactic research and the municipality's special school activities.
- "DigitalGuiden - Enhanced care through a digital everyday life" - An innovation project. The project included development of an application with interactive educational material aiming to strengthen the independence among the elderly.
- Digital tools and communication in special school - The project was a small pilot project which aimed to explore situations where classroom communication and communication difficulties were the focus within Swedish special schools.
- "Deeper understanding of how teachers use digital tools in their teaching." The project aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the use of digital tools and development of knowledge among teachers in STEAM.
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.