Thérese Janzén

Thérese Janzén



Research project: Human-environment interactions and the epidemiological periurban landscape of tick-borne diseases

+46 8 608 49 50 +4686084950

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies

+46 72 712 67 26 +46727126726


My doctoral project assess the effects of the ongoing agricultural transition in the peri-urban landscape. The aim of this research proposal is to suggest a method to fill in the gaps and provide increased knowledge of landscape change and the eco-epidemiological aspects of peri-urban green areas used for recreation. In this project, I will focus on Ixodes ricinus, one of the principal vectors of pathogens causing arthropod-borne infections in Europe.

Specific aims:
• To analyze biodiversity and ecosystem (dis) services of peri-urban landscapes, with
emphasis on the tick Ixodes ricinus and its tick-borne diseases.
• To analyze drivers of land-use change by looking at effects of horse-keeping on peri-urban ecosystems and tick distributions.
• To analyze how conservation management of peri-urban green areas effects spread of ticks.
• To assess different human utilization and recreational activity risks for ticks and tick-borne diseases.

Paper 1. Janzén, T., Petersson, M., Hammer, M., Aspán, A., Dinnétz, P. (in review). Incidence of Equine Granulocytic Anaplasmosis in Southern Sweden: associations with coniferous forest, water bodies and landscape heterogeneity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.

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