Thomas Andrén
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Presentation of Thomas Andren
Associate Professor in Marine Quaternary
Lecturer in Environmental Studies
I did my undergraduate and graduate studies at the Department of Quaternary Research, Stockholm University. My Phd thesis from 1990 was about how the sediments on the sea floor in the Gulf of Bothnia could be used to interpret and understand the geological evolution over the last c 100,000 years. Since then, my research has been focused on investigating and try to understand how the Baltic Sea basin has developed as a result of variations in climate and changes in water exchange with the oceans. If we understand the geological history better, we also understand to what extent and how we, the inhabitants of the drainage area, affect this sensitive ecosystem today.
Since 2006, I work as a lecturer in Environmental Science at Södertörn University and my research interests is mainly Quaternary stratigraphy and paleoclimatology , sedimentology and , perhaps above all , the Quaternary development of the Baltic Sea basin.
If you are or will become a student at Södertörn University you will meet me at the courses Organisms and Processes in Nature , Applied Physical Geography and the Baltic Sea ecosystem and natural resources, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) but I am also involved in many other courses in disciplines such as teacher education ,geography and meal science.