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Book tutoring in referencing

Do you want to learn more about referencing, source evaluation and information seeking? The library offers one-to-one tutoring for students and staff at Södertörn University and The Swedish Red Cross University College.

For our students

You are welcome to book a time for tutoring in referencing External link.. The booking system is also used for tutoring in information searching.

During the tutoring session, the librarian will help you with, for example, referencing according to Harvard, Oxford or APA. This is a teaching session focused on your learning, so that you later can work independently on your own.

How do I write references? Where do I find research for my essay? What is a scholarly article? How do I find good search terms? How do I get more relevant results in the databases? These are some of the common questions we get while tutoring. You are very welcome to book an appointment.

Learn more

When and why do you need references? What is the difference between quoting, paraphrasing and plagiarizing? Learn more about writing references.

At SH and RKH, we often use the referencing systems Harvard, APA and Oxford. Download the library’s referencing guides.

For researchers

The library also offers one-to-one tutoring for our researchers, PhD students, teachers and other staff at SH and RKH. The tutoring should be linked to teaching and learning, research or other university related matters. Read more and book at the information page for research support External link..


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