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Publish your research Open Access

Free access to research is often requested by research funders. Making your publications freely available through Open Access publishing helps spread your research while complying with policies from funders and universities.

What does Open Access mean?

Making your research Open Access (OA), means it becomes freely available, which means that it is free to link to, download, print and read. This will increase the visibility of your research to authorities, companies and the public.

The funding bodies Östersjöstiftelsen External link, opens in new window. (The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies), Vetenskapsrådet External link, opens in new window. (The Swedish Research Council), Forte External link, opens in new window. (The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare) and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond External link, opens in new window. require that research funded by them should be published OA.

Södertörn University has guidelines for open access publishing (Swedish language only). The guidelines describe how the university's own publications, as well as the researchers' publications, should be published with open access.

Södertörn University publish Open Access

If you want to get an overview of the university's publications, all series and publications are collected in the Publication series External link, opens in new window.. You can also search for the university's publications in the DiVA database External link, opens in new window..

Södertörn University encourages all contributors, authors and editors to publish their work using a Creative Commons license External link, opens in new window. to make it free and legal to use as a part the university's drive towards Open Access publishing.

Södertörn University is a member of Kriterium, which offers a quality certification for peer reviewed academic books. All books with the Kriterium label will be freely available through Open Access with the option to distribute through a publisher (for example, Makadam and Nordic Academic Press). You can read more about Kriterium here External link, opens in new window..

There are different ways of publishing Open Access

There are three ways of publishing Open Access:

  1. Publish your text directly in an Open Access journal, monograph or anthology.
  2. Deposit/parallel publish a copy of your fulltext publication in an open repository such as DiVA.
  3. Publish your article Open Access in a hybrid journal.

As a researcher, you can publish your text directly in an OA journal, or as an OA monograph. A collection of OA-journals can be found in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) External link, opens in new window., and examples of monographs can be found in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) External link, opens in new window.. An Article Process Charge (APC) must be paid but you can apply for an extra grant from the Publications Committee at the university or from your research funding body.

If you choose to publish in a subscription journal you can still make your text freely available through a repository, without extra charge. This is called Parallel publishing or self-archiving. The publication database DiVA External link, opens in new window. is used for parallel publishing at Södertörn University and at the Swedish Red Cross University. Note that it is also possible to parallel publish anthology contributions and monographs.

Here are some things you will need to consider before you upload your text in DiVA:

  • Your work must already be published and affiliated to Södertörn University or the Swedish Red Cross University.
  • Check which version of your work you are permitted to make freely available (often the final, peer-reviewed manuscript). Sometimes there is an embargo period of 6 or 12(48) months before you are allowed to parallel publish a text. You can find many publishers copyright transfer agreements for journals in SHERPA/RoMEO External link, opens in new window..
  • Copyright, for instance, on maps, tables and pictures.
  • The text have to be a pdf-file which can be made accessible.

Another way to Open Access is to publish the article in a subscription based journal and pay a fee to make the single article freely available. This is called hybrid Open Access. Researchers at Södertörn University can now do this for free or with a reduced fee, thanks to the national agreements with several publishers. It is also possible to apply for grants from the Publications Committee.

Publishers included in the agreements for Södertörn University's researchers

Södertörn University has entered into several agreements where the publication fee is either included or reduced. To take part in the agreements, keep in mind that:

  • The agreement only applies when you are Corresponding Author.
  • You must use your SH email address when submitting your article.
  • The prepaid pot may run out before the year ends for some of the agreements.

The information about which publishers and agreements that Södertörn University participates in can be found at Medarbetarwebben External link..

Search for journals included in publisher agreements

SciFree is a tool where you search for a journal to see if it is included in one of the publisher agreements above. You can see if you can publish OA free of charge or with a discount, if the journal is fully OA or a hybrid, and if it applies any specific Creative Commons license.

Watch out for predatory publishers

New publishers often contact researchers with publishing offers, demanding APCs. It is a good idea double check the quality of a publisher before accepting any deal.

FAIR principles

It has become increasingly common for funding bodies to require researchers to take FAIR principles into account when applying for research funding. The concept of FAIR stands for data to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

The overall message of the FAIR principles is that the research that is funded by public funds should be as accessible and useful as possible for both humans and machines. The principles have so far mainly been applied to research data when writing data management plans but are also applicable for scientific publications.

If you would like to read more, see the GO FAIR's more detailed description of the FAIR principles External link, opens in new window..

Read more about Open Access

Creative Commons External link, opens in new window. is a type of license that you as an author can use to show others how they may use your work. You can take advantage of this template External link, opens in new window. to find a Creative Commons license that suits your publication.

Plan S External link, opens in new window. - is a European initiative to accelerate the progress towards making research results accessible to all. The Swedish funders Vinnova, Forte and Formas has joined the initiative.


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