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Register your research in DiVA

As a researcher you can register your publications in the publication database, DiVA. This will help you to promote both your own and the research of the university. Many universities and research institutions in Sweden use DiVA for registration and electronic publishing.

Why should I register my research in DiVA?

The scientific publications of the university are registered in the publication database DiVA. Each university that uses DiVA has its own DiVA portal. Two days after you have registered your publication in DiVA, the information is also transferred to the SwePub national database External link, opens in new window.. This database is a search service for scientific publications of the Swedish universities. The fulltext in DiVA is also picked up by Google Scholar.

Both Södertörn University and the Swedish Red Cross University compile publication statistics in the university's annual reports, which are based on what is registered in the publication database DiVA. You need to register your publications before 15th January every year in order to guarantee that Södertörn University publications are included in the annual statistical report.

Simplified registration in DiVA

If you are a researcher at Södertörn University or the Red Cross University, the library’s publication support can help register your research publications in DiVA. Send us with the following information about the publication:

  • Names of all authors, title, journal, pages, publisher, ISBN, year.
  • Keywords and abstract.
  • Is the research relevant to Baltic and East European studies?
  • Project and/or funder.

We will then register your publication in DiVA within about 6 days and make contact when the publication is registered it is complete or if we need further information.

Contact: publications@sh.se

Self-register your research in DiVA

You can register your research in DiVA yourself. Then the publication will be visible in DiVA immediately (except doctoral dissertations and full texts). The library checks the information of the registration afterwards and edit it if necessary.

  1. Select Add publication / Upload files.
  2. Select publication type. For an explanation of the publication types, hover over the question mark.
  3. Fill in the details of the publication. Do not forget to enter if the publication is part of a project, has relevance to Baltic and East European studies (SH) or has external funding.
  4. Upload the full text in pdf format (optional). Here you can read more about what to consider before you Parallel publish your publication in DiVA (Green OA). External link.
  5. When your registration is finished, select Submit. All fields are not mandatory. We will contact you if anything is unclear with the registration.

If you want to change a registration which is already in DiVA or if you have any other questions, please contact publications@sh.se

Project information in DiVA

When register a publication in DiVA-Södertörn University, you can link it to a project registered in DiVA. To link previous registered publication to a project, contact publications@sh.se.

Parallel publishing in DiVA

Many research funders require publications to be made freely available, but publishers have different rules on what may be published and when it can be published. One way to make your publication freely available is to upload the fulltext in DiVA. Read more under Parallel publish your publication in DiVA (Green OA), where you will find information on what to consider before you parallel publish your publication.

Create a research id at ORCID

ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization providing an international register of digital unique identifiers for researchers. The main purpose of ORCID is to be able to distinguish researchers with the same / similar names, so that the research is linked to the right person. ORCID is used by several publishers and funding bodies and you can then enter your ORCID iD when you submit articles or apply for research grants.

In ORCID there is functions to add biography, publication list and funding bodies to your profile. You control yourself what is to be seen by others. If you move to another university, change research area or name, your ORCID iD will be the same.

If you consider an ORCID iD you can register or read more at ORCID website External link, opens in new window..

Once you have created an ORCID iD, please contact publications@sh.se. Then we connect your ORCID to your publications in DiVA.

More about DiVA

DiVA-portal External link, opens in new window., is an open repository, where many Swedish universities and research institutions register and publish their research. Both Södertörns University and the Swedish Red Cross University are members of the DiVA-cooperation.

If you only wish to see the research which Södertörn University has registered, please visit the database DiVA-Södertörn University External link, opens in new window.

If you only wish to see the research which the Red Cross University has registered, please visit the database DiVA- Red Cross University External link, opens in new window.

Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen External link, opens in new window. (in Swedish only) is a standard for research areas. The standard is used in DiVA.


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+46 (0) 8-608 40 00



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