
The Publications Committee

The Publications Committee is committed to the publishing of high-quality research that has been carried out by the university's researchers and teachers.

The dates for upcoming committee meetings in 2024 are:

  • 22 May
  • 19 June
  • 25 September
  • 23 October (N.B. a week earlier due to holiday)
  • 20 November
  • 18 December (N.B. a week earlier due to holidays)

  • decide which publications are eligible for publication in the university’s four main publications series and for financing
  • ensure that the work published in the university's name is of a high scholarly standard
  • provide information about scholarly publishing and follow developments within the field, nationally and internationally
  • act as a resource and guide for the university’s executive management on questions regarding scholarly publishing
  • write a report annually to the Vice-Chancellor about the Publications Committee’s activities for the year (including a financial account)

The Publications Committee is directly responsible for the following four series:

The Södertörn Academic Studies series consists mainly of monographs and anthologies, presenting the final results from research projects undertaken at Södertörn University. While open to all research fields and disciplines, much of the research presented in the series concerns Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea region, focusing on the social, historical, political, economic and cultural development of countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. To see the latest books in the university's series go to Publications series External link, opens in new window..

The Södertörn Academic Studies series is handled by the Publication Committee. It is part of the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers External link, opens in new window., which acknowledges scientific quality and adherence to peer review practices (level one).

The Publications Committee has granted permission for the starting of a number of other series that are connected to specific subjects or departments.

Publishing a manuscript

Publishing a manuscript in one of the series the Publications Committee is responsible for such as Södertörn Academic Studies.

  • send in a copy of a complete manuscript at least one month before an upcoming meeting

Proofreading of an article

Send in the following at least ten days before an upcoming meeting.

  • send in a copy of the article
  • send in an estimate for the cost of the proofreading*
  • send in a letter of intent/acceptance, for example, from the editor of the journal in which the article is to be published
  • investigate the possibility of publishing the article Open Access either parallel to journal publication antingen or following an embargo period (for example, 6 months later)

*The Publications Committee refer all applicants to External link, opens in new window. for contracted translation and proofreading services.

Publishing a manuscript with an external publisher (a grant for printing/external publishing)

  • send in a synopsis
  • send in a letter of intent/acceptance, for example, from the publisher where the book is to be published
  • investigate the possibility of publishing the book Open Access either parallel to publication or following an embargo period (for example, 6 months later)
  • send in a production budget from the publisher

IMPORTANT: All other applications should be discussed with the committee's secretary in advance and submitted at least 10 days before an upcoming meeting.

Södertörn University encourages all contributors, authors and editors to consider publishing their work using a Creative Commons licence External link, opens in new window. to allow your work to be freely and legally used as part the university's drive towards Open Access publishing.

From 1 January 2023


  • Mikael Lönnborg, Professor, Social Sciences


  • Norbert Götz, Professor, Historical and Contemporary Studies
  • Saralie Sernhede, Doctoral student representative
  • Pernilla Josefsson, Senior Lecturer, Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
  • Lotta Janson, Library director
  • Irina Sandomirskaja, Professor, Culture and Education
  • Erik Wallrup, Associate Professor, Culture and Education

Secretary and contact

  • Jonathan Robson, the Library

If you want to submit your manuscript or ask a question, please contact:

Jonathan Robson (Publications Committee Secretary)
Telephone: 08 608 50 59

Under Publications series - Opens in a new window External link, opens in new window. you can see the latest publications in the university's series.

For a quick overview of the university's series, download "What are you reading?" below.


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