Södertörn University Library: SöderScholar
DatabasesWriting references
As a student at Södertörn University and the Swedish Red Cross University, you are expected to write references in a clear and correct manner. Learn more about paraphrasing, quoting, plagiarism, reference management programs, and other common questions about referencing.
Here are answers to some common questions about references from students at Södertörn University (SH) and the Swedish Red Cross University (RKH).
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Reference management programs
Using a reference management program, you can collect and organize your references and share them with others. In many programs it is possible to create a database for your references. In the database, the references are searchable and can be supplemented with their own keywords and notes. In the database you can easily organize the references to facilitate your work. When writing, you can insert the references in the text by downloading them from your database. If text is moved in the document, the references follow, and the reference list adapts to the changes.
Read more about the reference management programs EndNote and Zotero below.
For researchers
The library also offers one-to-one tutoring for our researchers, PhD students, teachers and other staff at SH and RKH. The tutoring should be linked to teaching and learning, research or other university related matters. Read more and book at the information page for research support External link..
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