Expanded day loan collection
Are all week loans of a book currently checked out? Then the day loan can be an alternative. You can neither renew nor reserve day loans, but they are available for loan when the library opens or as soon as they are returned.
New for this semester is that courses with 150 students or more get two day loans instead of one. Other courses get one copy of the compulsory course literature as a day loan.
The same principles as before apply:
- You borrow the day loan in our check-out machine in the day loan room with your library card + pin code.
- You can bring the day loan everywhere.
- Please note that you must return the day loan no later than half an hour before the library opens the following day. The point of this is that the book will be on the shelf as soon as we open the next day. In other words, the book cannot be borrowed for 24 hours. You can use the book drop to return the day loan when the library is closed.
- The overdue fine for day loans is 100 SEK per book and day.
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