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Regular opening hours at the library

From 26 August, the library will be open as usual on evenings and weekends.

Biblioteket och höstlöv

As the new autumn semester has arrived, the library says goodbye to the summer opening hours. We warmly welcome new and old visitors to the library!


Please note that changed opening hours for the general public will take effect from 2 September.

If you are a student or a member of staff at Södertörn University, Red Cross University or SMI, you will need to bring a keycard (SH-card) when you visit the library during evenings and weekends.

You can read more about the changed opening hours in the article Changed opening hours for the public from 2 September.


Regular opening hours, from 26 August




Valid for visitors with keycards. For the public: 8:30–16:30, from 2 September.


Valid for visitors with keycards. For the public: 8:30–16:30, from 2 September.


Valid for visitors with keycards. For the public: 8:30–16:30, from 2 September.

Regular staff is present on Monday–Thursday until 16:00 and Fridays until 15:00. The library is staffed by library hosts on the rest of the opening hours.

Shorter opening hours for Aniara on floor 7.

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