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Library opening hours during the holidays

During Christmas and New Year, the library will not be open as usual. Please check the applicable opening hours before your visit.

Biblioteket med snö på.

Library opening hours during the Christmas and New Year holidays:

December 23: 08:30-15:00
December 24-26: CLOSED
December 27: 08:30-15:00
December 28-29: 11:00-17:00
December 30: 08:30-15:00
December 31 - January 1: CLOSED
January 2-3: 08:30-15:00
January 4-5: 11:00-17:00
January 6: CLOSED

Back to regular opening hours from January 7.

As usual, you need to use your SH-card to enter the library on weekdays after 16:30 and during weekends. If you are not a student at Södertörn University, the Swedish Red Cross University or SMI, you are welcome to visit the library on weekdays between 08:30 and 16:30. This applies unless the library opens after 08:30 or closes earlier than 16:30. In that case, current opening hours apply to all visitors.

Between December 23 and January 6, the library has limited services due to Christmas and New Year holidays.

Do you need to return books when the library is closed?
You can always return books via the library’s book drop, which is located on the left hand side of the main entrance. Returned books are registered in our system when the book drop is emptied by our staff. The book drop is only emptied when the library is open.

The library wishes you a happy holiday!

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