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Södertörn University is now part of the KreativEU European University

KreativEU (Knowledge & Creativity European University) will build long-term institutional and strategic cooperation between eleven European universities. The aim is to provide a competitive and transnational educational offering, collaborating closely on issues relating to sustainability, integration, equality and digitalisation.

The EU has now approved the application submitted by the KreativEU consortium in early February and work within the alliance will be funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme (EUR 14.4 million) during the pilot phase, from 2025 to 2028. The potential exists for extended funding after 2028.

Increased international visibility

“I am delighted that this is coming to fruition,” says Södertörn University’s vice-chancellor, Gustav Amberg. “An alliance with European universities offers potential for collaboration that is both deep and wide-ranging, and which differs significantly from other forms of partnership. KreativEU also opens up opportunities that are compatible with Södertörn’s education and research profiles, and can therefore benefit the university in many ways.”

KreativEU will create opportunities for developing the university’s activities, as well as many possibilities for strengthening the networks and making the university more visible and attractive internationally.

Opportunities for physical and digital exchanges

Expanded networks and international visibility entail greater potential for physical and digital exchanges, primarily for students, but also for teachers, researchers, and technical and administrative staff. Staff can use this increased mobility to participate in experience exchanges or to initiate research partnerships.

For students, KreativEU will mainly increase opportunities for international mobility, as well as increasing internationalisation at home.

An agreement will be signed in the autumn of 2024, and the alliance is also exploring the potential for collaboration within existing projects and initiatives at each university. The next consortium meeting is planned for 25-27 September at Södertörn University, when representatives from all participating universities will come to Stockholm. The coordinating university for KreativEU is the Polytechnic University of Tomar, Portugal.

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