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An interdisciplinary approach to managing ecosystems


Ecosystem Management

7.5 credits




This Master’s level course is problem-oriented, including both social and natural science aspects of the integrated governance of social-ecological systems. It provides scientific foundations, goals and measures for ecosystem management, and covers key issues such as the concept of ecosystem services and links to biological diversity.

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

Knowledge and expertise for the analysis and management of environmental change The interdisciplinary format of Environmental Science contributes to a wide range of available professions being open to you after graduation. You have the knowledge to analyse environmental change and society’s management of this, for example in research or consultancy work. Or you can contribute through knowledge of the management of environmental and sustainability issues, or provide information and communication activities about the environment and sustainability at companies or interest groups. Expertise on the environment and sustainable development is needed at all companies and organisations that analyse, communicate and manage issues related to sustainability and the environment. These are found in both the public and private sectors. Examples of workplaces include municipalities, state and international environmental management organisations or private businesses that work on sustainability and the environment. Studying Environmental Science provides direct links to local, national and global challenges in sustainability and the environment. It provides you with a stable background on which to promote societal debate and management of these issues, both in politics and in everyday life. Read about research in this subject
Scientific foundations, goals and measures for ecosystem management On this course, you will learn to synthesise different theoretical ideas and approaches in sustainability and ecosystem management that are relevant to the integrated management of social-ecological systems, as well as how to define and apply concepts of ecosystem services and the resilience of social-ecological systems. You will also train your ability to critically analyse theories and approaches in different aspects of ecosystem management that are found in current research, as well as in national and international implementation policies. In addition, you will be trained in critically assessing your own attitudes and work in relation to different theories and ideas about ecosystem management and sustainability. Course design The teaching staff on the course are active researchers and provide links to current research and policy development in their lectures and seminars. Grades are awarded on the basis of a written examination and compulsory oral and written seminar presentations.
Study how the links between humans and nature affect the environment When you study Environmental Science, you investigate the links between humanity and nature, and how these links affect the environment and sustainable development. The subject includes important societal issues and sustainability targets. You gain an understanding of environmental problems and the origin, scope and management of environmental change. You also get to look in detail at current environmental issues, such as reduced biodiversity, environmental toxins and climate issues. The subject has an interdisciplinary approach because it focuses on both humans and nature. This means that you study scientific subjects as much as subjects in the social sciences, giving you a broad understanding of contemporary and future challenges. For example, you study the link between the environment and people’s socioeconomic conditions, and how human activities such as agriculture and chemical use have an impact on ecosystems. Environmental Science has a broad and comprehensive perspective in which you investigate how society manages environmental issues and environmental problems. The subject also covers specific issues, such as the Baltic Sea’s environmental problems, the influence of forestry, and urban environments.

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