Moas båge

Managing authority and accountability in a globalised world


Global Governance

7.5 credits

This Master’s level course covers global governance in theory and practice, discussing the concept of global governance as a range of multilateral norm and policy-shaping arrangements. You will look at case studies in a variety of areas, such as climate change, peace and security, human rights, and pandemics, becoming familiar with a range of perspectives.

Information for exchange students

This course is also open for exchange students. Application information for exchange students.

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

Work with societal decision-making in a wide range of sectors Political Science provides valuable knowledge if you want to work with opinion-building, external analysis, public decision-making or administration. The subject is relevant to many professions and you can work in both the public and private sectors. Former students of Political Science now work in the Government Offices of Sweden, public authorities, the EU, news media and municipal administration in professions such as administrators, analysts or investigators. Studying in Political Science is beneficial for management positions in organisations and public administration, and is a good subject to study if you want to become involved with social movements or political parties. After studying, you will have wide-ranging knowledge of society in general. You will have gained the ability to think and reflect, critically and independently. One of the most important qualities you will gain from studying Political Science is the ability to see how societal resources are distributed and to understand why. You will have the ability to continually question rather than accept things, but also to discuss and deal with different opinions. Scientific studies in the subject teach you to work methodically with clear links to theory and empirical evidence. A degree in Political Science will thus also prepare you to move on to research. Read about research in this subject
Globalisation, technological change and the role of states and organisations Do we really need global governance? On this course, you will examine the roles of states and non-state actors, such as international organisations, NGOs, TNCs and individuals, learning to describe, explain and problematise the concept of global governance and its central theories and perspectives. There is a focus on the drivers of global governance, including globalisation and technological change. You will also study the various forms of global governance, including different types of multilateralism and the varying ways of managing public and private authority and accountability, as well as applying theories and arguments about global governance to empirical cases The course is based on lectures and seminars, and assessed via your participation in the seminars, including written assignments and a written report.
Learn to question, discuss, and deal with differing viewpoints Political Science focuses on politics and political decisions. An important issue in Political Science is how people make collective decisions on the distribution of society’s resources – who gets what, in what amounts and why? As an individual and as a citizen, you are constantly affected by political decisions. These decisions are linked to almost all contemporary and important societal issues – our rights as citizens and non-citizens, our personal security, our financial prospects, our education and our healthcare. In Sweden and many other countries, these decisions are shaped through democracy but, in practice, democracy can take different forms. When you study Political Science, you will discuss and investigate questions such as: How does representative democracy work, formally and in practice? How do wars start and how can peace be achieved? How is power organised and distributed in global politics? How can nationalism thrive despite globalisation? Why are political parties and political debates different in different countries? Studying Political Science allows you to analyse decision-making and power relationships and encourages critical thinking about society and how it is organised. You will gain a deeper understanding of how politics works, not only in Sweden but also in other countries and parts of the world. Södertörn University provides broad insight into the most important areas of Political Science, with an emphasis on issues relating to democracy and governance. The university conducts research into political parties, democracy and democratisation, leadership, migration and its consequences. Teaching therefore has close links to current research and modern theories.