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The links between the environment, health and society


Medical Geography

7.5 credits

This Master’s level course provides a spatial perspective on the connections between environment, health and society and studies and exemplifies various interrelationships with a spatial distribution pattern. The course also includes practicals in the use of a geographical information system (GIS).

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

A wide range of potential careers Because geography is an interdisciplinary subject, it touches on areas in the other social sciences, as well as in the humanities and natural sciences. This means that studying geography can lead to careers in areas that range from urban planning, teaching, journalism, environmental law, emergency planning and conservation to being a GIS officer or recycling consultant, in the public or the private sectors.
Geographical characteristics and their relationship to public health On this course, you will examine how the distribution of diseases is often correlated with various geographical circumstances such as climate, soil, water quality, economic development etc. The spread of diseases varies both locally, regionally and globally and the distribution may be traced directly or indirectly to the source. Human behaviour also varies due to different cultural traditions and eating habits throughout the world, but also because of economic differences. You will learn to interpret concepts, processes, and patterns connected to space and place, including a time perspective, and how to define key concepts within medical geography, cartography and geographical information. You will also use geographical methods to study and exemplify interrelationships with a spatial distribution pattern. Practicals using the Geographical Information System (GIS) are held, and you will learn to use geographical information correctly, taking into account representativity and generalisation in relation to scale and geographical differences. Course design The course is taught through lectures, compulsory seminars and practicals, and is divided into two modules. The theory module is worth 5 credits and is assessed through written examination. The other module, seminars and practicals, is worth 2.5 credits and is assessed through assignments.
A vision of the world Geography is an interdisciplinary subject that unites the social sciences and natural sciences in studying the Earth, applying a unifying vision that is necessary to solve many contemporary environmental and social problems. We are constantly exposed to geographic information in the media and our information society is dependent on geographic information systems (GIS) for traffic management, fire and rescue services, weather information and product marketing. Interpreting geographic information is one of a geographer's tasks, but the most important question is: Why are things like this just here? Geographic knowledge is important for social planning and for preserving the environment, often relating to the location and dimensions of housing, workplaces, services and transport systems, as well as to the interaction between man and environment in a wider perspective.

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141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00



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