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Theory and practice in social psychology


Social Psychology

7.5 credits




The course examines the theory and method of social psychology, focusing on how thoughts, emotions, motives, and behaviour are affected by social interaction and exchanges between people and groups. It includes an applied module of empirical data collection and reporting, covering knowledge and skills in social psychological methods in detail.

Information for exchange students

This course is also open for exchange students. Application information for exchange students. Opens in new window.

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

Work for people and support their interaction The study of Psychology, and the knowledge this provides, is useful in most contexts in which people act and interact. You will gain cutting edge skills in both psychology and research, along with scholarly and critical thinking. In addition, your studies will entail personal development, as you will learn to understand your own thoughts and actions. Students often choose Psychology as part of a Bachelor’s degree, along with another subject. Thanks to the broad focus of Psychology, this combination could include anything from economics to ecology. Psychology can also be part of vocational education with the aim of becoming a teacher or human resources specialist, making the subject the basis of a future profession. A large number of students at Södertörn University study Psychology as part of the Personnel Management programme, and many of them now work in recruitment or HR. However, studying Psychology can lead to work in anything from public enquiries, healthcare to marketing. Read about research in this subject
Managing, constructing and analysing social information Are you interested in how and why people manage and construct social information? Or areas such as stereotypes, altruism, aggression, attraction, and conformity? This course covers theory and method in social psychology, focusing on how thoughts, emotions, motives, and behaviour are affected by social interaction and exchange between people and groups. There is an emphasis on research methodology that involves critically examining, collecting, interpreting, and compiling literature and empirical material about a psychological phenomenon, i.e., how people tend to think, feel and act under different social conditions. This provides you with knowledge and skills gained from understanding and interpreting psychological phenomena from two perspectives – on the one hand by obtaining subject knowledge, and on the other by applying a critical, analytical approach. The course includes empirical data collection and reporting (statistical analysis). Course design The course consists of lectures, compulsory seminars, and group supervision, and is assessed through a written exam and the planning, implementation, and writing of a report using empirical data.
Explore and analyse people’s behaviour, interaction and experiences As a science, Psychology systematically explores human behaviours and experiences. How and why do people think, feel and behave as they do? As a subject, Psychology has a broad base in which biological, neurological, cognitive, social and cultural perspectives are used to create understanding of human thought and behaviour. Issues that are covered include the association between nature and nurture, the factors that affect people’s personality and how people make decisions. If you are generally interested in what “makes people tick”, want to work in an area in which knowledge of people is necessary, or are interested in the scientific methodology of psychology, then this is the subject for you. For many people, studying psychology also leads to significant personal development. Unlike many other universities, scientific methodology and statistics are included in all Psychology courses at Södertörn University. Knowledge of the subject, scientific methodology and statistics are integrated and, even from the very first courses, you are trained in working independently to search for, understand, summarise, analyse and evaluate information. At Södertörn University we emphasise the factors and processes that contribute to learning, development and wellbeing and their link to society and current issues.

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141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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