Research projects and publications


Publications from our researchers are listed in research database DiVA External link, opens in new window.. CBEES' publications include an academic series called Baltic and East European Studies and doctoral theses from BEEGS External link. (the Baltic and East European Graduate School), as well as Baltic Worlds, a quarterly scholarly journal and news magazine that is published by CBEES.

  • Newsletter: The CBEES Newsletter will keep you up to date with research and activities at the university that focus on the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe. Please subscribe here.
  • Baltic Worlds External link, opens in new window. is a multidisciplinary journal. It publishes scholarly articles in the social sciences, humanities and societally relevant research in the natural sciences. In addition to the articles, Baltic Worlds also includes interviews, conference reports, reviews and reportage. Its readership is primarily within academia, but also outside higher education, and there are now subscribers in more than 50 countries. Editor: Ninna Mörner
  • Baltic and East European Studies:  External link, opens in new window.CBEES' publication work also includes the Baltic and East European Studies academic series. The majority of the publications in the series can be ordered from:
  • State of the Region Annual Reports is a publication series reporting and reflecting on the social and political developments in the Baltic Sea Region and Central and Eastern Europe each year from a new and topical perspective. The overall purpose of this initiative is to offer a publication that is of great interest to fellow researchers, policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public.

Research projects

Listed below you find information about current research projects. Of the listing is empty there are no current information available. Please visit our Swedish page for more information.

Contact us

Alfred Nobels allé 7 Flemingsberg

Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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