Doctoral studies
Information about doctoral courses is available here. The syllabus is in English when the language of instruction is English.
Governing documents for doctoral education
Doctoral education at Södertörn University is governed by the Swedish Higher Education Act and Ordinance, as well as by internal steering documents. These documents can be found under Governing documents for doctoral education External link. and the Employee web.
External link.
General syllabuses for doctoral students
Each subject that has degree-awarding powers at doctoral level has a general syllabus that must be followed during the programme. The courses and number of credits included in a doctoral (third-cycle) degree must comply with general syllabus for the subject to which the doctoral student was admitted. The general syllabus also states the entry requirements when applying for a doctoral studentship.
PESO organises the following doctoral courses:
- Research Design (usually every second autumn term, autumn 2024, autumn 2026 etc)
- Organizations and Institutions (usually every second autumn term, autumn 2024, autumn 2026 etc)
- Advanced Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences (usually every second spring term, spring 2025, spring 2027 etc)
- Advanced Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (usually every second spring term, spring 2025, spring 2027 etc)
Doctoral students from other universities are welcome to participate in our doctoral courses.
For more information, please contact:
Doctoral education at Södertörn University is governed by the Swedish Higher Education Act and Ordinance, as well as by internal steering documents. These documents can be found under Governing documents for doctoral education.