Colloquium for doctoral students

Romani Studies at Södertörn University is organising an international colloquium for doctoral students who have a research interest in critical Romska studies including research on antiziganism. Discussions will be led by Jan Selling, associate professor and senior lecturer in Romani Studies.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet online on several occasions to discuss ongoing and planned research, articles, drafts and other ideas. It is also a chance to exchange thoughts. Ideas and experiences with other researchers in the same. Our colloquium can be regarded as a complement to the supervision and seminars you already benefit from in your doctoral education.

Jan Selling’s research areas are Roma history, the history of Roma liberation, historical injustice and critical theory and antiziganism. The plan is for the first meetings to be held in mid-June. Please contact Jan Selling for more information.


Michelle Bergin. PhD Candidate. University of Technology, Luleå (Sweden) and University College Cork (Ireland).

Project: Children’s right to play - a critical examination of Traveller & Roma children’s play in schoolyards. External link.

Anna Carballo. PhD Candidate.

Arman Heljic. PhD Candidate. Gothenburg University (Sweden), Gender Studies Unit.

Project: Articulations and Negotiations of Roma Masculinities: an Intersectional Analysis of Ethnicity, Sexuality, Gender and Class at the Roma Access Programs.

Verena Meier. PhD Candidate, Forschungsstelle Antiziganismus, Historisches Seminar, Heidelberg University (Germany).

Project: NS-genocide of Sinti and Roma in Magdeburg and transitional justice after 1945 in the Soviet Zone of Occupation and GDR. External link.

Nikola Liptakova. MA. Södertörn University.

Leni Mjåland. PhD candidate, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Oslo (Norway).

Project: Non-state actors encountering EU-citizens who live in precarity: An institutional ethnography exploring social work and systemic injustice.

Joey Rauschenberger. PhD candidate, Forschungsstelle Antiziganismus, Historisches Seminar, Heidelberg University (Germany).

Project: “The transformed continuity of antigypsyism in Baden-Württemberg and its predecessor states from the inception of democracy until its liberalization, 1945–1975. External link.

Fernando Ruiz Molina. PhD Candidate. Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the Network for Training on Hate på University of Plymouth.

Laura Tittel . PhD Candidate, Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany), Department of Political Science

Project: Towards a Theory of Antigypsyism: Roma Minorities between Racism, Securitization, and Imagination. External link.

Mihaela Zatreanu. MA. expert for Romani language teaching. Member of the ERIAC Barvalipe Academy. External link, opens in new window.

Madeleine Zetterlund Stenhammer. PhD Candidate, Volda University College (Norway), Department of History Project: «The best therapeutic means for salvaging a damaged human fate?» The encounter between Svanviken Labour Colony and the Norwegian welfare state, 1949-1986.

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141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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