Economics research at Södertörn University covers a broad range of areas, including industrial organisation, competition policy and regulation, public procurement, pay discrimination and work evaluation, monetary policy, and evolutionary economy and innovations. Just one example would be policies that achieve environmental targets at the lowest overall cost.
Research in economics includes studies of phenomena that affect society at different levels. A research project could focus on a limited market, such as when we wish to investigate how deregulation of the electricity market affects our welfare or how we should manage an industry that contributes to the greenhouse effect. Other research investigates interlinked market systems at national and global levels and their effect on our opportunities for work and income growth.
In partnership with Örebro University, Södertörn University employs doctoral students in economics.
Third stream activities
Economists at Södertörn University cooperate with authorities, enterprises and the community at large in research projects, including the collaborative Reinvent Center for City Dynamic, and through other projects on sustainability and the environment, trade, public procurement and competitive provision of welfare services. We also collaborate with the surrounding community as experts in news media and in enquiries, through professional education and as guest lectures, through our alumni, with work placements and study visits, essays and dissertations, in partnership with government authorities, private enterprises and other organisations.
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