Research projects and publications
Publications by our researchers are listed in the DiVA research database. External link, opens in new window.
Research projects
Information about current research projects is provided below. If the listing is empty, no current information is available. Please visit our Swedish page for more information.
Nation, Gender and Sexuality in pleasure-based ferry traffic between Finland, Åland and Sweden
Cruising the Baltic Sea
Metadata Development and Searchability for LGBTQI Literary Heritage
QUEERLIT database
Digital sexual health
Digital sexual health - Designing for safety, pleasure and wellbeing in LGBTQ+ communities
Politics and aesthetics
Contemporary post-Soviet popular music
Culture of Silence
Culture of Silence
Development, consequences, strategies
#metoo activism in Sweden
Knowledge production through Yazidi women’s war narratives
Troubling Testimonies
An Excellence Hub in Research, Education and Public Outreach