Third stream activities
Community engagement is a natural and important element of Gender Studies, disseminating the knowledge generated by Gender Studies into the community and contributing to change processes. Our partnerships with a wide range of organisations and actors are also beneficial in developing our research and education.
The subjects and issues covered by Gender Studies are of great interest in wider society, and are frequently debated and discussed. Our teachers and students often participate in the media, in debates and at other public events as lecturers or writers. Community engagement helps the subject to continually develop and contributes to the growth of new research issues and perspectives.
Expertise in gender issues is in demand in many areas of society. We work with schools and preschools, municipalities and regions, social movements and organisations, and private business. These collaborations can to the form of everything from individual interviews and lectures to degree projects conducted at organisations, or bespoke courses such as our contract education in equal treatment. Another concrete example of collaboration is the second semester of our one-year Master’s programme, where students write an independent investigative essay in cooperation with a public agency, business or organisation.
Current collaborations
Three of our teachers were recently awarded funding for collaboration with external actors as part of PUSH, an investment in community engagement at Södertörn University. Linn Sandberg has a cooperation with RFSU, Ann Werner with Musikverket (Swedish Performing Arts Agency) and Soheyla Yazdanpanah has begun cooperating with Botkyrka Municipality.