

From the very beginning, Journalism at Södertörn University has strived to maintain close links to journalism as a profession. This means that teaching staff that conduct research in the subject often have a background in journalism and are interested in re­search in journalism as a profession, editorial processes and journalism in itself.

Researchers in Journalism at Södertörn University are distinctive in their multidisciplinary backgrounds. In addition to researchers with doctorates in Journalism, there are researchers with doctorates in Media Technology, Computer Science, the History of Ideas, Swedish, Ethnography, and Media and Communication Studies. This mix of expertise contributes to a creative and dynamic research environment, with opportunities to take on interesting multidisciplinary research projects. All researchers also bring their expertise to the teaching environment, because they teach courses in Journalism at all educational levels.

Third stream activities

Journalism at Södertörn University has close links to professional practice, through the potential for placements and various projects. We often invite professional journalists and developers to lecture at the university.

Much of the research in Journalism takes place in cooperation with external actors. In 2012-2016, researchers from Journalism and Business Studies, Media Technology and a number of media companies participated in a research project, Datajournalistik, that was funded by Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency. The project developed journalistic working methods for data journalism by editorial staff in Sweden. In 2018-2019, researchers in Journalism working with the public broadcasters SVT and Sveriges Radio, as well as other media companies, in development projects that focus on digital source criticism and municipalities’ automated news monitoring.

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