Programmes and courses
Information about programmes and courses taught in English is listed below. If the listing is empty, there are currently none available. Please visit our Swedish page for more information.
We offer a 90-credit course in public law that can be studied as part of a Bachelor’s degree or as a freestanding course. We also have two Master’s programmes: a one-year Master’s in European Legal Studies and a one-year Master’s in Human Rights. All our courses and programmes have strong links to European Law.
These Bachelor’s level courses can be studied as freestanding courses or as part of degree programmes (in Swedish). Please see the below list for more information about our courses and programmes.
Level A (introductory)
EU, den svenska staten och företagandets villkor (EU, the Swedish State and Business), 30 credits
Level B (intermediate)
Europarätt: mänskliga fri- och rättigheter (Human Rights from a European Perspective), 15 credits
Rättsstat och offentlig rätt (The Constitutional State and Public Law), 15 credits
Level C (supplementary)
Komparativ offentlig rätt, (Comparative Public Law), 30 credits