Public Administration
Public Administration is a multidisciplinary subject that focuses on all levels of public administration. Understanding the role of public administration in a complex and changeable world requires interaction between multiple academic disciplines, such as organisation theory, business studies, political science, public law, sociology and economics.
The subject emphasises administration within the political system and the interplay between politics and administration, through questions such as: How are public administration and municipalities managed and governed? How are the political decisions taken by politicians at different levels realised? How does the public sphere interact with other societal sphere, such as private and civil society, for example in service production?
Staff in the subject of Public Administration have degrees in a range of subjects, such as business studies, political science and sociology, but we are united in our interest in the role of administration in society and the complex relationships between politics, administration and other societal spheres. We conduct research on subjects such as education (the role of the principal, school reviews, digitalisation), administration in public organisations, leadership, reforms and the increase in public inquiries.
Public Administration was established as a subject at Södertörn University on 1 January 2018. It works closely with the Academy of Public Administration at Södertörn University. In terms of third stream activities, we offer contract education for civil servants and practitioners in public administration.
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