
Publications from Södertörn University

Södertörn University has a well-established tradition of publishing research within the human-, social-, and natural sciences. One of our aims is to make new research available for a wider readership by ensuring that all our publications are ‘open access’.

The books we publish are based on the founding principles of academic freedom, critical thinking, and interdisciplinarity. Our publication series cover a broad spectrum of subjects, from Archaeology and Environmental Science to Continental Philosophy and Literature. An essential area of research at Södertörn University focuses on the study of the social, political, economic and cultural developments within the Baltic sea region, as well as Eastern and Central Europe, and this is reflected in our publications.

Since its establishment in 1996, Södertörn University has been an important actor in academic publishing within Sweden. During the last ten years we have published around 30 titles per year, publishing a wide range of research that critically explores the complexities and ambiguities of our own historical present, the past, and that creates the space for discussing possible futures. Important financial support is in part provided by The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies.

To ensure academic quality we use different review processes, as well as making sure that close collaborative ties with authors and editors are established. From editorial support and proofreading to layout and design, our publishing team are on hand during the whole publishing process. Södertörn publications place emphasis on the preservation and development of traditional publishing forms – such as monographs and edited anthologies.

All our publications are available ‘open access’. Our books can either be downloaded for free or copies can be purchased at local or online booksellers.

Latest publications from Södertörn University

About our Publications series

We have many subject specific book series at Södertörn University. Each series has its own editorial board.

Below you will find more information about the different series we publish here.

All researchers can apply to have their manuscripts considered for publication in one of our dedicated series. Authors should make direct contact with the specified editor or contact person for their chosen series.

This series is home to the latest developments in public administration research. The Academy for Public Administration is an interdisciplinary centre for professional training and research at Södertörn University. We publish outcomes from commissioned educational training and research about state administration, and in our publications actively work towards strengthening the ties between research and practice in the context of public authorities.

Our series publishes studies and research reports, with an empirical and theoretical orientation. Working papers and texts from seminars, symposia and conferences can also be published.

Who can be published in this series? Mainly researchers at the university, focusing on themes related to public administration. Researchers who have a connection to Södertörn, e.g. because of a research project, can also publish.

Review Assessment: Editorial review.

Frequency of publications per annum: Around three reports per year.

Language: Swedish or English.

Principal editor and contact: Anders Ivarsson Westerberg


Connected to the Institute for Contemporary History, this series documents and discusses important historical events and contemporary questions, new research from Södertörn University, as well as conference proceedings. We also publish texts not only authored by historical witnesses, but also transcriptions from witness seminars that have been arranged by the department. Some of the titles in the series have been produced in collaboration with the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) at Södertörn University.

Who can publish in this series? Researchers and historical witnesses whose thoughts and experiences connect to the academic profile at the Institute for Contemporary History and its research.

Review Assessment: Editorial Review.

Frequency of publications per annum: 1-3 publications.

Language: English or Swedish.

Editor and contact: Norbert Götz


This series publishes contemporary research in the broad field of media and communication, including both edited anthologies and monographs by researchers with a connection to Södertörn University. Each year, we also publish the best Masters thesis within the subject at Södertörn.

Who can publish in this series? Researchers, both junior and senior, with a connection to Södertörn University, and with a theme relevant to the subject.

Review Assessment: Editorial Review.

Frequency of publications per annum: 1-2 publications.

Language: English or Swedish.

Editors: Editors for the compilation of Masters theses are Anne Kaun and Patrik Åker. For all other titles in the series, editorial responsibility varies.

Contact: Ingrid Forsler


This series comprises of reports based on practically- and empirically orientated research, often with a focus on public policy and/or political organisations and public authorities. The series is open to all researchers and disciplines.

It is possible to ’parallel publish’ in another Södertörn series, e.g. to use the review processes and financing possibilities for printing, from one of the departmental-led series.

Who can publish in this series? All researchers, but especially those with an empirical and public policy focus.

Review Assessment: Editorial review followed by one peer- review.

Frequency of publications per annum: 1-2 publications.

Language: Swedish or English.

Editor and contact: David Payne,


The university’s flagship series, publishing the most important contemporary research, both at Södertörn University and beyond. The main purpose of the series is to preserve monographs and anthologies as important forms of academic writing, all the while providing rigorous peer review procedures to ensure high academic standards. The series is open to all academic disciplines and fields. At the same time, a significant part of the series is dedicated to studies about, from, and within the Baltic, Central and Eastern European areas, with focus on social, political, cultural and economic questions.

Södertörn Academic Studies is part of the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers External link, opens in new window., which acknowledges scientific quality and adherence to peer review practices (level one).

Who can publish in this series? All Researchers.

Review Assessment: One internal editorial review and then, if successful, a further two external reviewers (double-blind peer-review).

Frequency of Publications per annum: 4-5 publications.

Language: English or Swedish.

Editor and contact: David Payne,


Research, as well as dissertations and licentiate theses, from the subject of archaeology are published in the Södertörn Archaeological Studies-series. This series also includes theoretical and interpretive studies. For research reports, please see the archaeology report series.

Researchers affiliated with the university, and collections/anthologies related to the archaeology department, can be published in the series.

Who can publish in this series? Researchers affiliated with the university, and collections/anthologies related to the archaeology department, can be published in the series.

Review Assessment: Editorial review.

Frequency of Publications per annum: One volume per year.

Language: Swedish or English.

Contact: Kerstin Cassel


Founded in 2001, this series is tied to the department of Philosophy at Södertörn University. The series publishes monographs and edited anthologies within the field of philosophy, with a specific focus on the continental-european tradition. Södertörn Philosophical Studies provides a platform for innovative research in contemporary philosophy.

Who can publish in this series? Principally researchers with a connection to the department of Philosophy at Södertörn, but external researchers also.

Review Assessment: Editorial review followed by one external assessment.

Frequency of Publications per annum: 2 publications.

Language: Either English or Swedish.

Editors and contact: Marcia Sá Cavalcante-Schuback and Hans Ruin


This series is open to researchers who wish to publish texts (whether monographs, anthologies, translations, reports) that are relevant for the field of rhetoric.

We accept and publish work on an ongoing basis. Submitted manuscripts are first read and commented upon, and then if provisionally accepted are sent out to either one or two peer reviewers.

Who can publish in this series? All researchers with a subject-relevant topic.

Review Assessment: Editorial review followed by one or two peer reviewers.

Frequency of Publications per annum: Number varies.

Language: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and English.

Editors and contact: Annika Ström, Stefan Rimm, and Nils Ekedahl


This series principally comprises of research produced from with the fields of Art History and Aesthetics, though there is nothing preventing researchers working within related areas from publishing in the series, either.

Who can publish in this series? Researchers with a connection to Södertörn University.

Review Assessment: Editorial review followed by an external assessment.

Frequency of Publications per annum: 1-2 publications.

Language: Either Swedish or English.

Editors and contact: Dan Karlholm and Cecilia Sjöholm


This series publishes research related to teacher education and other education related themes. Many of the publications are thematically organised as anthologies, for example as the result of a collaborative research project, a conference or something similar. A larger study can also be published as a monograph. Skriftserien publicerar forskning som rör lärarutbildning och utbildningsrelaterade teman.

Who can publish in this series? Researchers from Södertörn University, who initiate an idea for publication, but researchers from other universities can participate with a contribution, e.g. a chapter for an anthology.

Review Assessment: External reader.

Form of Publication: Anthologies and monographs.

Frequency of Publications per annum: Issued upon request.

Language: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and English.

Editors: Jenny Magnusson and Helena Hill

Contact: Jenny Magnusson


This series (est. 2010) is connected to the Development Unit for Higher Education Pedagogy at Södertörn University. It contains monographs and anthologies in the field of pedagogy in higher education, discipline-based educational research, issues within education and aesthetic learning processes.

Who can publish in this series? Mainly researchers connected with Södertörn University, but all researchers are welcome.

Review Assessment: Editorial review and two external reviewers (double-blind peer-review).

Frequency of publications per annum: Varies.

Language: Mainly Swedish, and English.

Editor and contact: Anders Burman

This series (est. 2019) is connected to the subject History of Ideas at Södertörn University. It contains monographs and anthologies covering the history of ideas and cultural history with themes such as educational traditions, politics and individual thinkers.

Who can publish in this series? Mainly researchers connected with Södertörn University, but all researchers are welcome.

Review Assessment: Editorial review and two external reviewers (double-blind peer-review).

Frequency of publications per annum: Varies.

Language: Mainly Swedish, and English.

Editors and contacts: Anders Burman and Leif Runefelt


This series is published by the Centre for Practical Knowledge, and includes volumes in both English and Swedish that contribute to this research field. The overarching research themes for the series as a whole, include: the situated knowledges of contemporary work life; cultural and political changes to contemporary work; the theory, ethics, and history of practical knowledge, as well as explorations and articulations of practical knowledge through scientific methods, writing, and modes of artistic expression.

Who can publish in the series? All researchers.

Review Assessment: Editorial review followed by external reader.

Frequency of publications per annum: Number varies

Form of Publication: Edited anthologies and monographs.

Language: Swedish or English.

Editor and contact: Fredrik Svenaeus


This series comprises of educational material (e.g. course literature) used principally in the context of learning and teaching at Södertörn. It is open for all research fields and departmental courses at the university.

Who can publish in this series? Any researcher or teacher at Södertörn University.

Review Assessment: Editorial review.

Frequency of publications per annum: 1-2 publications.

Language: Swedish.

Editor and contact: Publications Committee,


A series dedicated to language use in both talk and text within different social, historical and cultural contexts.

Review Assessment: Two peer reviewers (double-blind peer review).

Frequency of Publications per annum: Series is now closed

Language: Swedish or English.

Editors: Karin Milles and Mats Landqvist.


This series is for the publication of shorter, preliminary or ongoing research. In most cases, these texts will later be further developed by authors, and then published as articles in scientific journals after revisions.

Who can publish in this series? All researchers.

Review Assessment: Editorial review.

Frequency of publications per annum: 1-2 publications.

Language: Swedish and English.

Editor and contact: David Payne,


Publishing with the Publications Committee

The Publications Committee is responsible for four of the University’s series: Södertörn Academic Studies External link., Research Reports External link., Working Paper External link. and Teaching and learning materials from Södertörn University External link..

Publishing through one of the four series for which the Publications Committee is responsible guarantees that:

  1. your text will be open access and
  2. you will incur no publishing or open access costs. You can read more about the different series, their thematic orientations and review assessment processes, above.

The Publications Committee acts as an editorial board and decides on which texts can be published within one of the centrally administered publishing series – Södertörn Academic Studies, Research Reports, Working Papers and Study Resources. It is also responsible for providing financial support for publishing at Södertörn University.


Committee Members

Research Editor

  • David Payne. PhD in Political Theory. International Research Editor, Library.

Secretary and Contact:


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Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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