Publications from Södertörn University
Södertörn University has a well-established tradition of publishing research within the human-, social-, and natural sciences. One of our aims is to make new research available for a wider readership by ensuring that all our publications are ‘open access’.
The books we publish are based on the founding principles of academic freedom, critical thinking, and interdisciplinarity. Our publication series cover a broad spectrum of subjects, from Archaeology and Environmental Science to Continental Philosophy and Literature. An essential area of research at Södertörn University focuses on the study of the social, political, economic and cultural developments within the Baltic sea region, as well as Eastern and Central Europe, and this is reflected in our publications.
Since its establishment in 1996, Södertörn University has been an important actor in academic publishing within Sweden. During the last ten years we have published around 30 titles per year, publishing a wide range of research that critically explores the complexities and ambiguities of our own historical present, the past, and that creates the space for discussing possible futures. Important financial support is in part provided by The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies.
To ensure academic quality we use different review processes, as well as making sure that close collaborative ties with authors and editors are established. From editorial support and proofreading to layout and design, our publishing team are on hand during the whole publishing process. Södertörn publications place emphasis on the preservation and development of traditional publishing forms – such as monographs and edited anthologies.
All our publications are available ‘open access’. Our books can either be downloaded for free or copies can be purchased at local or online booksellers.
Latest publications from Södertörn University
The Child and Religious Studies (RS) for a Sustainable Future: The Transformation of Religious Studies: Towards the Incorporation of Sustainable Development Ideas in Swedish Primary Schools from the Late Twentieth Century Onwards
This investigation aims to determine the historical and pedagogical foundations of students’ sustainable development formation in Swedish primary...
Chorna, Viktoriia -
Hitta hem på marknaden: Den finansialiserade hemägarideologin i Sverige och Estland 1970–2007
Avhandlingen är en idéhistorisk studie av hemmet som politisk idé under det sena 1900-talet och tidiga 2000-talet, då marknader i allmänhet, och...
Jakobsson, Liza -
Fredstematikens kritiska potential: Feminism, militarism och kolonialism hos Frida Stéenhoff, Elin Wägner och Hagar Olsson
Den här studien lyfter fram och problematiserar skönlitterär fredstematik i verk ur tre svenskspråkiga författarskap i Östersjöregionen: Frida...
Mårsell, Maria
About our Publications series
We have many subject specific book series at Södertörn University. Each series has its own editorial board.
Below you will find more information about the different series we publish here.
All researchers can apply to have their manuscripts considered for publication in one of our dedicated series. Authors should make direct contact with the specified editor or contact person for their chosen series.
Publishing with the Publications Committee
The Publications Committee is responsible for four of the University’s series: Södertörn Academic Studies External link., Research Reports
External link., Working Paper
External link. and Teaching and learning materials from Södertörn University
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Publishing through one of the four series for which the Publications Committee is responsible guarantees that:
- your text will be open access and
- you will incur no publishing or open access costs. You can read more about the different series, their thematic orientations and review assessment processes, above.
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