
Business and Wellness from Green Economy Growth


EU Interreg Central Baltic


Project type


Because of an increasing demand for natural, healthy and ecological products, enterpreneurs are getting closer to the green movement and the. This green and circular growth offers new business opportunities, to micro entrepreneurs. Yet, there is a true mismatch between demand and supply. We have an abundance of natural resources in the Central Baltic area, but we do not know, yet, how to turn them into green businesses.

The aim of the project is to support the growth and competitiveness of green entrepreneurship by aligning and improving relevant skills. The project is targeted mainly to micro entrepreneurs that exploit local natural resources in their business activities when producing sustainable, small-scale products and services that contribute to human wellbeing. The project provides the means to modernise professional training and redirect skills helping to adapt to changing business environment.

As a result, an aligned, cross-sectoral and professional training programme about green entrepreneurship and business development will be designed and piloted. The emphasis of the programme is in how to develop local natural resources into sustainable business activities. First, needed skills are identified and aligned through research activities. They are translated into a new training programme whose courses, and study material are all included in an open access online platform. The programme is also piloted online and combined with different experience exchanging events and various communication activities (webinars, information and coaching days, publications).

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