Traces of Yiddishkeit

Jiddischsamlingen på Judiska biblioteket, Stockholm

Project manager

Roos, Lena - Professor


The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences

Project type


The aim of the project is to do an inventory of the largest Yiddish collection in Sweden, that of the Jewish Library in Stockholm, and to make the collection fully searchable through the national library catalogue LIBRIS and internationally through WorldCat. As part of the project, stock will be taken of what parts of the collection are of such national and international interest as to warrant digitalization at a later stage.

The Jewish Library in Stockholm has holdings that testify to all the various stages of Jewish migration to Sweden. It currently has more than 25 000 volumes, mostly in Swedish, English, Hebrew, Yiddish and German, but also in a number of other languages. Its Yiddish collection approximates 4000 volumes. It contains the major classics of Yiddish literature, translations into Yiddish of international literature, which testify to the reading habits of the Yiddish-speaking community. The collection also contains religious literature as well as large amounts of periodicals: membership bulletins, journals, newspapers etc that testify to Jewish life in Sweden and other European countries during the 19th and early 20th century.

The project is a collaboration between the Jewish Library and Södertörn University and has been planned in close consultation with the department of Yiddish, Lund University; Paideia - The European Institute of Jewish Studies in Stockholm; the Jewish Museum and the Forum for Jewish Studies, Uppsala University.

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