Research projects and publications


Publications from our researchers are listed in the research database DiVA. External link, opens in new window.

Research projects

The subject has participated in large EU-funded research projects, such as:

  • “Agora – Network Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea” 2005-2007 with the University of Greifswald as the lead partner.
  • “TARSI – Taylor Applied Research System Implementation” 2009-2011 with Utena College, Lithuania, as the lead partner.
  • Interreg project Archipelago Business Development 2016-2019, which was a collaboration with the subjects of Media Technology and Business Studies at Södertörn University and with Åbo University as the lead partner.

Additionally, the subject participates in research networks that conduct joint research projects. For example, the subject has been active in the regional research network, Stockholm Center for Tourism Research (SCT) 2002-2007, and in the European research network “Tourism in the city” 2015 to date.

Listed below you find information about current research projects. Of the listing is empty there are no current information available. Please visit our Swedish page for more information.

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141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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