Research themes
The following six research themes have grown from the main theme of “urban tourism”:
- Sustainable destination:
The phenomenon of the destination in general, and the urban focus in particular, is one research theme, which has resulted in research reports and participation in the European network, “Tourism in the city”. We also have a representative in the tourism reference group at the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, which provides support for destination research, as regards destination development, marketing and tourism statistics. - Heritage attractions:
Supported by various actors, such as the HAMN museum and the subject of Marine Archaeology at Södertörn University, we have research maritime heritage attractions. We are currently participating in two EU applications regarding heritage attractions around the Baltic Sea, where attraction development is central. We also collaborate regarding attractions and experiences with a research group called “Medical Tourism” in the subject of Business Studies. - Events and meetings:
Research has been conducted using historical perspectives that have a bearing on the theme of heritage attractions (the centenary of the 1912 Olympics) and events och meetings. We have collaborated with EventAkademin on research into event history using an event archive. We have also conducted research into the meetings industry and professional meetings in the Stockholm region for the Stockholm Centre for Tourism Research. - Collaborative networks:
Our researchers have participated in and published scholarly articles as part of an EU project focusing on “collaborative networks in higher education”. It examines how internal and external actors in higher education collaborate and interact based on knowledge of societal network theories. - Entrepreneurial hospitality management:
Research and publication of articles in hospitality management is conducted from an entrepreneurial perspective. The growth of Tourism Studies is largely based upon previous research into service management in the visitor industry. Women’s participation in the tourism and experiential industry has also been highlighted in part of the project. We are also participating in an Interreg project on “Business Development” from an entrepreneurial perspective. - Sustainability issues:
Research is conducted into how the visitor industry can work towards society’s overarching aims for sustainability, not least climate issues. The examines how tourist companies in the event industry and destination management organisations (DMO) use sustainability systems and certifications. Sustainability at visitor destinations is also an important perspective on our on research conferences and conference contributions.