Disciplinary report

The Swedish Higher Education Ordinance has rules about when a university may take disciplinary action against a student. Disciplinary action means either a warning or suspension.

Circumstances that may lead to disciplinary action are:

  • If a student attempts to deceive during a test or exam, or in other forms of assessing study performance (e.g. plagiarism, unauthorised aids in an examination, unauthorised cooperation, etc.).
  • If a student disrupts or prevents teaching, examination or other activities that are within the remit of education at the university.
  • If a student disrupts activities at the university library or other part of the university.
  • If a student subjects another student or an employee at the university to the types of harassment or sexual harassment described in Chapter 1, Section 4 of the Discrimination Act.

The university may not take disciplinary action against a student more than two years after the offence was committed. See the Higher Education Ordinance, chapter 10 External link., about disciplinary measures.

The Disciplinary Board is chaired by the vice-chancellor and includes one representative of the teaching staff, two student representatives and a member with legal training who is, or has been, a permanent judge.

Reports to the Disciplinary Board should be done as soon as possible. They are then thoroughly investigated. How this is done and how decisions are made is described in this flow chart below:

One of the following decisions is made:

  • there will be no further action in the case
  • to issue a warning
  • suspension from the university for a maximum of six months.

Questions about the process?

If you have questions about how disciplinary cases are processed, please email disciplinanmalan@sh.se

What happens if I receive a warning or am suspended?

If you are suspended, you may not participate in any form of teaching or examination at Södertörn University. You also lose the right to student finance for studies at Södertörn University while are suspended. The Disciplinary Board always informs CSN and the relevant lecturers and administrative staff of a suspension. Nor may you register for any courses at Södertörn University or have any exams marked. The only credits that can be registered during a suspension are ones completed before it started.

If you receive a warning, you can continue studying as normal. If you are reported to the Disciplinary Board again, this warning may be taken into account when the vice-chancellor or the board make a decision.

If you have been reported and need support
Being reported can be difficult, so you may have many questions. There are various places at the university that students can go to for support:

Study and career guidance counsellors External link. can provide support if you are considering your study situation, choice of course or programme, etc. Email: studier.karriar@sh.se.

Söders students’ union External link. has student ombudsmen who can provide help, support and legal guidance about your rights and obligations as a student. Email: studentombud@soders.nu.

The Library’s Study Support Unit External link. offers guidance in academic writing and study skills. Email: studieverkstan@sh.se.

The Student Wellbeing Centre offers help if you experience physical, mental or social problems while you are studying. Email a counsellor at: kurator@sh.se.

The University Chaplaincy External link. offers impartial listening.
