Find a book
Finding your way around the library can be tricky, especially if you are new. Here are some useful tips, but remember that you can always get help in the information desk.
How do I know if the book I’m looking for is in the library?
By searching for the book's title in SöderScholar External link, opens in new window. you can see if the book is in the library collection and if it is available. Click on the book's title to see where it is placed and how long you may keep it. You can reach SöderScholar from any computer, including at home, or from your mobile phone. You are also welcome to contact the Information desk for assistance. If the book is not in the library collection, you can request that we borrow it from another library. Read more on page Request interlibrary loans or suggest a purchase.
Find the shelf
When you click on the book's title, you will see information where the book is placed, for example Floor 6, Shelf Ohj But. The entrance floor of the library is floor 5, this means that the book is placed on the middle floor, on shelf Ohj. On every shelf the books are organised in alphabetical order, and then you need to find the letters "But" on this particular shelf. In every book record there is also a link to a map helping you to find the shelf.
If the book isn't where it's supposed to be
If you’re lucky, the book was recently returned and is still placed on one of the trolleys just right of the check-in machine. Someone may also be using the book without yet having borrowed it. It may be misplaced or simply missing. Please turn to the Information desk and we will help you look for it.