Fitness facilities
If studying is starting to get you down, a little physical exercise may be a good idea. Training facilities close to campus are listed here.
There are many gyms close to campus, some with student discounts. Visättra Sportcenter External link, opens in new window. is in Visättra, about 15 minutes’ walk from the university, and is Greater Stockholm’s biggest sports facility. It has bandy, ice hockey, football, jogging/skiing tracks, tennis courts, boule courts, frisbee, BMX tracks, mini-golf and more. Medfit Flemingsberg External link, opens in new window. is situated close to Flemingsberg train station.
Outdoor gyms
There is a timber outdoor gym behind the university library/Primus. Students can use this for free. Outdoor gyms are available in other places around Huddinge. You can read more about this on the municipality’s website (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window..