Need some help?
There are lots of questions to find answers to when you start studying. We have collected students’ most common questions or problems and where the answers can be found.
If you have questions about… | You can get help from… | You can visit/contact us at... |
Disabilities | ||
Students’ union membership | SöderS – Södertörn University’s students’ union | F building, level 5 |
Buying course literature | SöderS second-hand bookshop | F building, level 5 |
Mecenat card, student discounts | SöderS – Södertörn University’s students’ union | F building, level 5 |
Parking spaces | Infocenter | Moa building, level 5 |
Mental/physical health | Student Wellbeing Centre | Karolinska Institutet |
Registration | Infocenter | Moa building, level 5 |
SH-Account | Infocenter | Moa building, level 5 |
SH-Card: general questions | Infocenter | Moa building, level 5 |
SH-Card: borrowing books | Library | Library |
SH-Card: printing and copying | Infocenter | Moa building, level 5 |
Study technique, language help | Study Support Unit | Library |
SH-StudyWeb | Infocenter | |
Faith, life, identity, etc. | University Chaplaincy | F building, level 5 |
Careers and education | Carrers and study guidance |
Map of Campus Södertörn
The main building goes by the name "Moas Båge"
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