

SH-StudyWeb is Södertörn University’s learning management system. It is the digital space where you will find your timetables, syllabuses and literature lists. It is also where you hand in assignments, communicate with your teachers, access articles posted by your teachers, and much more.

What’s on SH-StudyWeb?

You can click around and explore SH-StudyWeb before starting your course and take a look at the “Get started with SH-StudyWeb External link.” courseroom. However, to see and access the courses you will study, you must be registered and have an SH-Account

Problems or questions?

Are you experiencing problems with functions in SH-StudyWeb (logging in registering in a group, uploading documents, etc.)? Do you have suggestions for improvements or a general question? Please contact

Delayed login after your first registration

After you have first registered, either via the web or an administrator, it can take a while before you are able to log in. This is the time it takes for your registration to come through the system, so you may need to wait (up to four hours) before you can access your courseroom.

Södertörn University wants as many people as possible to use its learning management system, SH-StudyWeb. This document describes how SH-StudyWeb complies with the Swedish Act (2018:1937) on the accessibility of online public service.

It also includes known accessibility problems and how to report problems to us so we can remedy them.

Accessibility in SH-StudyWeb, Canvas

Canvas is a commercial product, designed and developed in accordance with an internationally recognised standard, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA. Canvas is partially compatible with the requirements of the Act (2018:1937) on the accessibility of online public service, due to the problems described below.

Detailed information about the supplier's work on improving accessibility is available at: External link, opens in new window.

Known problems

The Agency for Digital Government has 142 guidelines for public service websites, based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines standard.

There may be problems with page content.


  • Images may be missing or have faulty text options.
  • Poorly formatted PDF documents.
  • Some documents have been scanned but not undergone optical character recognition.
  • Tables in documents may have a faulty heading structure or none at all.
  • Descriptions of which language is being used may be missing.
  • Text formatting may be missing for headings.

Sound and moving images

  • The learning management system has videos without subtitling or which do not fulfil subtitling recommendations.
  • The learning management system has videos that lack audio description options.
  • Podcasts or sound files are not available in a text version.

Pictures, diagrams & animations

  • Some informational pictures and diagrams in the learning management system do not have text options or are inadequately descriptive.
  • There is a problem with text sometimes being displayed as an image.
  • Some user-generated links in the learning management system are not clearly described or accessible.


  • In general, there may be areas that lack enough contrast between the text and background to make them accessible.

Layout, pages and headings

  • In general, there may be areas that lack contrast between the text and background.
  • Some pages have identical titles but differing content, and are thus not accessible.
  • Some user-generated content in the learning management system (e.g. pages or tables) is inadequate in terms of headings, field names and labels.
  • Some page names are not adequately descriptive.
  • Some user-generated links are not clearly described or accessible.
  • There may be problems with navigation and structural design.
  • There may be HTML content that contains links without legible text.

Testing SH-StudyWeb, Canvas

Using the guidelines produced by Södertörn University for testing the website’s accessibility, work on following up SH-StudyWeb’s accessibility will start in the autumn of 2022.

What should I do if I cannot use parts of SH-StudyWeb?

If you need content from SH-StudyWeb which is not accessible for you, but which is excluded from the act’s area of application according to the below description, you can contact us at

How do I report problems with the accessibility of SH-StudyWeb, Canvas?

We are continually working to improve SH-StudyWeb’s accessibility according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. If you discover problems that are not described on this page, or feel that we are not in compliance with the act, please write to us at


The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for supervision under the Act (2018:1937) on the accessibility of online public service. If you are not satisfied with how we deal with your information about accessibility problems or your request to make content accessible, you can report this to the Agency for Digital Government.

Visit the Agency for Digital Government's website: External link, opens in new window.

More information

The Act (2018:1937) on the accessibility of online public service (in Swedish).


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