BSR InnoShip





Possible means to reduce air pollution from marine vessels in the Baltic Sea are analyzed in the research project BSR InnoShip. Today, we know that these emissions play significant roles in the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea that leads to severe disturbances in vital ecosystems. The latest estimates indicate that more than 50 percent of deposited nitrogen comes from marine transportation. The research group from Södertörn University primarily contributes with analyzes of communication barriers and how communication between key stakeholders could be improved.

Michael Gilek - Professor
School of Natural Science, Technology and Environmental Studies

The Baltic Institute of Finland (Finland, Lead Partner)

Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland)

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Finland)

University of Turku, Centre for Maritime Studies (Finland)

Union of the Baltic Cities, Comission on Environment Scretariat (Finland)

Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Klaipeda University (Lithuania)

State Enterprise Klaipeda State Seaport Authority (Lithuania)

Estonian Environmental Research Center (Estonia)

Maritime University of Szczecin (Poland)

Polish Register of Shipping (Poland)

City of Mariehamn (Finland)

Baltic Institute of Marketing, Transport and Tourism at the University of Rostock (Germany)

Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia)

Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Norway)

Maritime Development Center of Europe (Denmark)

Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)

Forskningsområde / geografiskt område

Institutionen för naturvetenskap, miljö och teknik Miljövetenskap Natur & miljö Östersjö


2011 — 2013


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